
January 2, 2002


Set Time:

9:15 a.m.


Hearing Date:

January 8, 2002



Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



Supplemental Staff Report: Revision of initial recommendation based on project revisions.


County File Number:

PLN 1999-00792




Approve the Coastal Development Permit, Planned Agricultural District Permit, and an Architectural Review Permit, for the project as revised since the Planning Commission's consideration, County File Number PLN 1999-00792, by adopting the revised conditions of approval listed in Attachment A.




The Planning Commission approved this project on December 13, 2000. An appeal was filed by the Committee for Green Foothills on December 28, 2000. The applicant subsequently reduced the size of the project and made other changes in an attempt to address the appellant's concerns. Revised plans were filed on October 8, 2001.


The appellant submitted a letter to the Planning Division (see Attachment B of this report) on December 23, 2001, regarding the December 18, 2001 Board of Supervisors staff report, and requested revised conditions of approval. Staff has revised Attachment A, to address all of the concerns stated in the letter, with the changes identified by shaded highlighting. Also, staff has no objection to developing the proposed house size limit suggested in the appellant's letter if so directed by the Board of Supervisors.


Staff recommends approval of the project as revised, by adopting the revised conditions of approval in Attachment A.

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Attachment A







Permit or Project File Number: PLN 1999-00792

Hearing Date: January 8, 2002


Prepared By: Farhad Mortazavi

For Adoption By: Board of Supervisors




Planning Division



This approval is for the project as described on the documents submitted to the Planning Division on October 16, 1998, and the revised plans submitted on October 8, 2001, for addition to a single-family dwelling only. No second dwelling units are allowed. Any revisions to the approved plans must be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to implementation. Minor adjustments to the project may be approved by the Planning Director, if they are consistent with the intent of and are in substantial conformance with this approval. Any other developments on the property will be subject to a separate permitting process.



The Coastal Development Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of approval. Any extension of this permit shall require submittal of an application for permit extension and payment of applicable permit extension fees sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date.



A revised site plan, showing removal of the sunset deck, shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to planning approval of the building permit application.



Noise levels produced by construction shall not exceed the 80 dBA level at any one moment. Construction activity shall be limited to the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Construction operation shall be prohibited on Sunday and any national holiday.



The applicant shall submit exterior color and material samples (no larger than approximately 4 square inches) for walls and trim to the Planning Counter for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to building permit issuance. The applicant shall include the file/case number with all color samples. Color verification by a Building Inspector shall occur in the field after the applicant has painted the structure an approved color, but before the applicant schedules a final inspection.



The applicant shall submit a material sample of the proposed roof material for review and approval of the color and material prior to building permit issuance. Roof material verification by a Building Inspector shall occur in the field after the applicant has installed the approved material, but before the applicant schedules a final inspection.



Exterior lighting shall be limited to the minimum necessary for safety. All lighting, exterior and interior, shall be placed, designed, located and directed so that direct rays and glare are confined to the premises. The applicant shall submit exterior lighting design of the proposed project for the approval by the Planning Director.



All new utility lines to the proposed project shall be installed underground.



During project construction, the applicant shall, pursuant to Section 5022 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, minimize the transport and discharge of stormwater runoff from the construction site into storm drain systems and water bodies by:



Using filtration materials on storm drain covers to remove sediment from dewatering effluent.



Stabilizing all denuded areas and maintaining erosion control measures continuously between October 15 and April 15.



Removing spoils promptly, and avoiding stockpiling of fill materials, when rain is forecast. If rain threatens, stockpiled soils and other materials shall be covered with a tarp or other waterproof material.



Storing, handling, and disposing of construction materials and wastes so as to avoid their entry to the storm drain system or water body.



Avoiding cleaning, fueling or maintaining vehicles on-site, except in an area designated to contain and treat runoff.



Limiting and timing applications of pesticides and fertilizer to avoid polluting runoff.



The project shall include water runoff prevention measures for the operation and maintenance of the project for the review, as reviewed by the applicant's biologist, and approval by the Planning Director. The project shall identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the uses conducted on-site to effectively prohibit the discharge of pollutants with stormwater runoff and other water runoff produced from the project. Please refer to the attached handout, which details the BMPs.



The applicant shall submit an erosion control plan, prior to the issuance of a building permit, to mitigate any erosion resulting from project-related grading activities.



No site disturbance shall occur, including any grading or vegetation removal, until a building permit has been issued.



The applicant shall provide "finished floor elevation verification" to certify that the structure is actually constructed at the height shown on the submitted plans. The applicant shall have a licensed surveyor or engineer establish a baseline elevation datum point in the vicinity of the construction site. The applicant shall maintain the datum point so that it will not be disturbed by the proposed construction activities until final approval of the building permit.



The datum point and its elevation shall be shown on the submitted site plan. This datum point shall be used during construction to verify the elevation of the finished floors relative to the existing natural or to the grade of the site (finished grade).



Prior to planning approval of the building permit application, the applicant shall also have the licensed land surveyor or engineer indicate on the construction plans: (1) the natural grade elevations at the significant corners (at least four) of the footprint of the proposed structure on the submitted plan, and (2) the elevations of proposed finished grades.



In addition, (1) the natural grade elevations at the significant corners of the proposed structure, (2) the finished floor elevations, (3) the topmost elevation of the roof and (4) garage slab elevation must be shown on the plan, elevations, and cross-section (if one is provided).



Once the building is under construction, prior to the below floor framing inspection or the pouring of the concrete slab (as the case may be) for the lowest floor, the applicant shall provide to the Building Inspection Section a letter from the licensed land surveyor or engineer certifying that the lowest floor height, as constructed, is equal to the elevation specified for that floor in the approved plans. Similarly, certifications on the garage slab and the topmost elevation of the roof are required.



If the actual floor height, garage slab, or roof height, as constructed, is different from the elevation specified in the plans, then the applicant shall cease all construction and no additional inspections shall be approved until a revised set of plans is submitted to and subsequently approved by both the Building Official and Planning Director.



The project's design shall include the use of double pane windows, solid core exterior doors, and weather stripping to lower the interior noise level.



The applicant shall obtain a building permit prior to initiating any construction or grading activity on site.



The building plans shall meet with the approval of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection District.



There shall be no removal of any significant vegetation that screens the view of the proposed project.


The applicant shall submit a landscape plan in accordance with the "Landscape Plan Guidelines - Minimum Standards" for review and approval by the Planning Director. The applicant's biologist shall confirm that the plans have been reviewed prior to submittal to the Planning Division. The goal of the required landscape plan is to soften the impact of the building from the street and the sides. The plan shall include a minimum of five (5) trees in the front and three (3) trees on the right side of the property. The trees will be at least 15-gallon size, and they shall be located in such a way as to block the view of the development to the extent possible from the Cabrillo Highway and adjacent southern property. A minimum of forty (40) shrubs shall be included in the design for the front and right side of the residence. Areas in the front of the property that do not contain trees, shrubs, or landscape shall be planted with groundcover. An irrigation plan for the front area shall be submitted with the planting plan. Upon submittal of the landscape plan, the applicant shall pay a review fee based on the fee schedule in effect at that time.



The approved landscaping plan shall be implemented before the Planning Division gives a final approval on the building permit and before the applicant schedules a final inspection.



The applicant shall record a deed restriction prior to issuance of a building permit, in accordance with LCP Policy 5.15, to mitigate potential land use conflicts with adjacent agricultural operations to the satisfaction of County Counsel and Planning Director.



The applicant shall submit a revised site plan, at the time of application for a building permit, indicating the replacement of the existing driveway and the proposed driveway with perforated blocks. The applicant shall submit a color sample to the Planning Division for review and approval. The color shall be compatible to the surrounding area.



The applicant, for the protection of the riparian corridor, shall install "limit of work" fencing, at least 50 feet from the outside edge of the wetland areas. Fencing to exclude all construction activity (including well and septic system construction) should also be designed as an effective barrier for the San Francisco Garter Snake and California Red-Legged Frog. The maximum areas of potential habitat on-site that are not within the development envelope should also be protected from construction.



To reduce dust emissions during project construction, unpaved construction areas shall be sprayed with water as often as needed to keep soil moist. It is anticipated that this mitigation measure could reduce dust emissions by as much as 50%. Air quality standards are regulated by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and violations can be reported to the agency.



All new construction within this area is required to be designed and constructed to withstand seismic activity pursuant to State and County Building Codes.



The applicant shall incorporate into the building plans a filtering mechanism of adequate capacity to filter all chlorine and other chemicals from all water discharged or drained from the pool and two spas. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by Environmental Health Division, and the Planning Division prior to issuance of the building permit.


Department of Public Works



Prior to the issuance of the building permit, the applicant will be required to provide payment of "roadway mitigation fees" based on the increase in square footage (assessable space) due to the remodel/addition of the existing residence, per Ordinance #3277.



No construction work within the state right-of-way of Cabrillo Highway shall begin until CalTrans requirements for the issuance of an encroachment permit, including review of the plans, have been met and an encroachment permit issued by CalTrans. The applicant shall provide the County with the copy of the issued permit.


Fire Marshal



An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be required.


Building Inspection Section



Prior to commencement of any construction or demolition, the applicant shall apply for and be issued building permits, and shall adhere to the scope of work approved in the issued permits.



An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be required. This permit must be issued prior to or in conjunction with the building permit.



A survey of the property shall be required.


Environmental Health Division



At the building permit stage, the applicant shall submit plans to adequately demonstrate how shallow groundwater will be directed away from the septic system without becoming contaminated with sewage, and show engineered plans for the pump system. The applicant shall obtain the required septic permit and meet all requirements of the Environmental Health Division.


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