Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



January 24, 2002


February 5, 2002



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Proposed No Parking Zone on "A" Street - Colma Area



Adopt an Ordinance:



amending Section 7.24.760 of the County Ordinance Code to reduce the limited parking area on the south side of "A" Street, County Road No. 167, in the area where a no parking zone is proposed; and



establishing a 60-foot no parking zone on the south side of "A" Street near its intersection with El Camino Real (State Highway 82).


Previous Board Action

Adopted the BART Station Area Specific Plan which provides for high-density development near "A" Street west of El Camino Real.


Authorized the reconstruction of "A" Street between Reiner Street and El Camino Real.


Adopted an ordinance establishing a limited parking zone on a portion of the south side of "A" Street at the request of the adjacent property owner.


Entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of El Camino Real and "A" Street.


Key Facts

Residents and business owners requested, and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) agreed and subsequently let a contract for the signalization of the intersection of El Camino Real and "A" Street.


Caltrans has requested that parking be limited on the south side of "A" Street to insure that the signal's loop detectors function properly.



The traffic signal project is nearing completion and Caltrans has determined that cars parked on the south side of "A" Street near the intersection can activate the loop detectors that have been installed in "A" Street. These loop detectors activate the signal to provide a green light for "A" Street when they "sense" that a vehicle is on "A" Street waiting at the intersection. The activation by parked vehicles occurs due to the location of the vehicles adjacent to the travel lane on this relatively narrow street.


Caltrans has requested that a sixty (60) foot no parking zone be established on the southerly curb line of "A" Street to maintain the proper functioning of the system. This will require the elimination of two limited time parking spaces which we believe is warranted and necessary for the safe operation of the signal system.


Fiscal Impact

Installing the appropriate signs is estimated to cost $500 and will be funded by the Road Fund. There is no impact to the General Fund.


A form of Ordinance that effectively eliminates two of the limited parking spaces and establishes the no parking zone has been approved by County Counsel and we have sent a copy of our staff report to the Broadmoor Police Protection District and the adjacent property owner, and will report any comments that we receive.