Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



March 12, 2002


March 26, 2002



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


No Parking Zone on Northside Avenue - Redwood City Area



Adopt an Ordinance establishing a No Parking Zone on Northside Avenue, County Road No. 667.


Previous Board Action

Adopted ordinances establishing no parking on the northerly side of Northside Avenue near Middlefield Road and near Hampshire Avenue.


Key Facts

Restricting parking on the northerly side of Northside Avenue is warranted as parked vehicles restrict the sight distance for motorists entering the intersection from the "T" intersections with the side streets and from the driveways of the commercial properties on the northerly side of the street.



Northside Avenue is a two-lane road located adjacent to the Dumbarton Spur Railroad right-of-way off of Middlefield Road. Motorists currently park on the north side of the road as the road is too narrow to provide for both lanes of traffic and parking on both sides of the street.


We evaluated the current parking configuration at the request of local residents and the North Fair Oaks Council and confirmed that the safety of motorists and bicyclists would be increased by restricting parking on the northerly side of the road. This is due to the configuration of the side street intersections and the limited sight distance afforded motorists entering the road from the driveways of the adjacent commercial businesses.


However, we believe that no net parking spaces will be lost as the parking can shift to the southerly side of the street adjacent to the Dumbarton Spur Railroad right-of-way. Sight distance is not a factor as there are no driveway or road approaches on this side of the street.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with Goal Number 7, "Maintain and Enhance the Public Safety of All Residents and Visitors" of the Shared Vision Commitment to "Ensure Basic Health and Safety for All," as the project maintains parking in the area while improving the sight distance for motorists entering or using this road.


Fiscal Impact

Installation of no parking signs and curb paint is estimated to cost $1,800 and will be funded by the Road Fund. There is no impact to the General Fund.


A form of Ordinance has been approved by County Counsel and we have sent a copy of our staff report to the adjacent property owners and the Fair Oaks Council, and will report any comments that we receive.