Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



April 8, 2002


April 30, 2002


Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Alta Vista Drive Reconstruction Project - Country Club Park, South San Francisco Area (County Project No. R6K00 - F36 [366])



Adopt a resolution adopting Plans and Specifications, determining prevailing wage scales, and calling for sealed proposals for the Reconstruction of Alta Vista Drive.


Previous Board Action


Adopted a minimum road standard for the Country Club Park area which consists of a 22-foot wide travel way with 3-foot wide valley gutters.



Adopted a priority list for road improvements for the Country Club Park area.



Authorized the Director of Public Works to execute agreements with cities, utility companies and special districts for work less than $50,000 proposed to be done in conjunction with County road projects.


Key Facts


Alta Vista Drive is the next project on the priority list adopted by your Board for the Country Club Park area.



We reached consensus with the adjacent property owners on the project plans.



The City of South San Francisco has requested that their 1/2 street portion of Alta Vista Drive adjacent to the unincorporated area be reconstructed as part of this project.



Pacific Bell Company has requested that adjusting their facilities to grade within the project limits be included in the proposed project.



The proposed project will reconstruct the roadway on Alta Vista Drive between Alida Way and Dorado Way to the standard adopted by your Board. We will also be reconstructing existing storm drain facilities and improving drainage routes within the project limits.


We conducted a written survey of the adjacent property owners and held a night meeting in the area to receive input from the property owners on the proposed project. The consensus of the property owners is reflected in the project plans including the width, cross section and alignment of the improvements.


Right-of-entries will be obtained for the proposed driveway conform construction work and we will notify the property owners within the project limits of the timing of the project once a contract has been awarded and the construction schedule of the contractor is known.


This project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(C), Class 1 of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act [CEQA]), and a Notice of Exemption has been filed with the County Clerk Recorder as provided by County guidelines.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with the Shared Commitment to "Ensure Basic Health and Safety for All" and Goal Number 7 "Maintain and Enhance the Public Safety of All Residents and Visitors," as it improves the conditions of the road surface for all users of this road.


Fiscal Impact

The estimated cost of construction is $480,000, which is proposed to be financed as follows:


Road Funds



City of South San Francisco



Pacific Bell Company



Total Estimated Cost



We will bring a form of agreement to your Board prior to recommending that a contract be awarded for the proposed project which provides that the County will be reimbursed for the work on the City's portion of the road. Reimbursement for the cost of doing work for Pacific Bell Company will be covered by an agreement executed by the Director as authorized by your Board.


There is no impact to the General Fund.


A form of resolution has been approved by County Counsel.