Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



April 4, 2002


April 30, 2002



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Offer of Dedication of a Sewer Main - Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District - Woodside Area



Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication of a sewer main to the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District (District).


Previous Board Action

Approved the annexation of the properties at 148 and 160 Jane Drive, Woodside, to the District.


Key Facts

Your Board, acting as the governing Board of the District, has the authority to accept facilities for operation and maintenance by the District.



Joy McCully and Riaz A. Moledina constructed approximately 474 linear feet of sewer main and appurtenances in an easement to provide sewer service to 148 and 160 Jane Drive and have offered the facilities to the District.


The facilities were constructed to District standards and we are recommending that the District accept the facilities as they can be used to provide sewer service to other properties within the District.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with the Shared Vision Commitments to "Ensure Basic Health and Safety for All" and to be a "Responsive, Effective and Collaborative Government;" and Goal Number 7, "Maintain and Enhance the Public Safety for All Residents and Visitors," as accepting the sewer main can result in providing effective sanitary sewer service to other parcels in a suburban area, which would otherwise use an "on-site" method to handle wastewater and which could have an impact on neighboring residents.


Fiscal Impact

The cost of installing the sewer main was paid for by Joy McCully and Riaz A. Moledina. The cost of operation and maintenance of the new facilities, if accepted by the District, will be a District expense and will be funded through the sewer service charge levied on properties receiving sewer service from the District. The current sewer service charge rate is $188 per year per residential unit and includes the cost of maintaining the sewer mains as well as treatment costs. There is no impact to the General Fund.


A form of resolution has been approved by County Counsel, and Joy McCully and Riaz A. Moledina have executed the Offer of Dedication.