Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



May 15, 2002


June 4, 2002


Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Resurfacing of Various Streets in Belle Haven, Dumbarton, North Fair Oaks, and Ladera Areas (County Project No. R8P00 - F36 [305B])



Adopt resolutions:



Authorizing the President of the Board to execute a Program Agreement between San Mateo County and the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) which provides for the partial cost reimbursement for the Resurfacing of Haven Avenue and La Mesa Drive from C/CAG's Program for Repair/Maintenance of Streets Utilized by Transit Vehicles (RMSUTV).



Adopting Plans and Specifications, determining prevailing wage scales, and calling for sealed proposals for the resurfacing of Columbia Avenue, Devonshire Avenue, First Avenue, Flynn Avenue, Haven Avenue, La Mesa Drive, Middlefield Road, Northumberland Avenue, Second Avenue, and Stanford Avenue.


Previous Board Action

Authorized the Director of Public Works to:



Proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications for resurfacing type projects on various County roads utilizing funds pursuant to Assembly Bill 2928 (AB2928).



Execute agreements with cities, utility companies and special districts for work less than $50,000 proposed to be done in conjunction with County road projects.


Key Facts


Funding for Haven Avenue, between East Bayshore Road and the Menlo Park City Limits, and La Mesa Drive, between La Cuesta Drive and Alpine Road, qualify for partial funding from the RMSUTV program administered by C/CAG.



C/CAG requires an agreement be entered into with agencies that qualify for RMSUTV funds before an agency can receive the funds.



The City of Redwood City has requested that a portion of Middlefield Road and Flynn Avenue within their corporate limits be resurfaced as part of this project.



The Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District, the West Bay Sanitary District and the Pacific Bell Company have requested that adjusting their facilities to grade within the project limits be included in the proposed project.



The proposed project, totaling approximately 2.3 miles in length, consists of the repair of failed pavement areas, the installation of pavement reinforcing fabric, the installation of access ramps where needed to meet the ADA requirements, resurfacing of the roadways with asphalt concrete, and replacing the traffic striping and pavement markers within the limits shown on the attached location maps.


Blenheim Avenue is also being considered as a "test street" for the installation of traffic calming devices. However, we believe that repair and resurfacing of the street will not interfere with any testing as may be approved by your Board and that the testing of a traffic calming device will not negatively impact the resurfacing project.


This project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15302, Class 2 of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act [CEQA]), and a Notice of Exemption has been filed with the County Clerk Recorder as provided by County guidelines.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with the Shared Commitment to "Ensure Basic Health and Safety for All" and Goal Number 7 "Maintain and Enhance the Public Safety of All Residents and Visitors," as it improves the conditions of the road surfaces for the public.


Fiscal Impact

The estimated cost of construction for this project is $1,071,000. The project will be initially financed with Road Funds that have been appropriated for this work. Funding for the project will be financed as follows:


Road Funds and AB2928 Transportation Funds



City of Redwood City



Pacific Bell Company



Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District



West Bay Sanitary District






Total Estimated Cost



The Road Fund will be reimbursed in the amounts of $79,700 if your Board authorizes execution of the agreement with C/CAG. We will bring a form of agreement between the County and the City of Redwood City to your Board for consideration prior to recommending that a contract be awarded for the proposed project, which provides that the County will be reimbursed for the City's work. Reimbursement for the cost of doing work for the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District, the Pacific Bell Company and the West Bay Sanitary District will be covered by agreements executed by the Director as authorized by your Board.


There is no impact to the General Fund.


A form of resolution has been approved by County Counsel.