Attachment E


County of San Mateo
Environmental Services Agency
Planning and Building Division


(County File Number: PLN 2001-00368)


May 30, 2001


Coastside Design Review application submitted.


August 29, 2001


Conditional Approval of project by staff, but the letter was post-dated August 30, 2001.


September 17, 2001


Appeal filed by the Midcoast Community Council.


September 18, 2001


Parcel merger and documents recorded.


December 12, 2001


Planning Commission public hearing occurred, and the item was continued until January 9, 2002.


January 9, 2002


Planning Commission denied the appeal and upheld the decision of the Planning Director.


January 29, 2002


Appeal filed by Jim Unger, pertaining to, among other issues, the validity of the Record of Survey.


March 5, 2002


Board of Supervisors public hearing, where the appeal was denied, the decision of the Planning Commission was upheld, and the project was approved. Some neighbors raised issues regarding the Record of Survey and the site's fire suppression and proximity to a fire hydrant. The Board directed Planning staff to review these matters with the appropriate agencies.


March 11, 2002


Corrected Notice of Decision drafted reflecting modification to Condition No. 20, pertaining to the installation of a new fire hydrant within the site's proximity. Through consultation with the Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District, the condition was modified from 250 to 200 feet, measured by way of driveable access.


April 29, 2002


Documents faxed by applicant to the project planner requested that Condition of Approval No. 20 be revised. The request proposed installation of a new fire hydrant in a different location beyond the approved minimum distance, rather than proceeding with the installation of a new hydrant as approved.


May 6, 2002


The Planning Section was notified in writing by neighboring property owners that they were challenging the applicant's Record of Survey. This correspondence indicated their intent to commission a different land surveyor, in belief that different property dimensions would result that would reduce the required building setbacks. Also indicated in the letter was the request to postpone the issuance of the applicant's building permit until their survey could be submitted for review.


May 21, 2002


Both surveys were submitted for review to Neil Cullen, the Director of the Department of Public Works.


May 24, 2002


Correspondence was sent from Neil Cullen to the Planning Director indicating the details of the Department of Public Works' review of the discrepancies between surveys and their recommendations. The Department of Public Works found the Record of Survey performed by Hugh R. Anton to be in conformance with Section 8766 of the Land Surveyors Act regarding surveying methods and an appropriate document from which the applicant drafted the approved site plan.


May 28, 2002


Meeting with staff and applicant to discuss other available options for installing the fire hydrant, aside from pursuing the amendment to the condition of approval. The review of the surveys was also discussed.


June 19, 2002


Determination from senior planning staff and County Counsel that a staff-level amendment of approval condition No. 20 would not be feasible. Options determined for applicant were to either: (1) proceed with proposed amendment of condition to the Board of Supervisors, or (2) file an application for a Coastal Development Permit to upgrade and extend the water main for the installation of the fire hydrant as originally approved by the Board of Supervisors.


August 6, 2002


Board of Supervisors public hearing.

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