
July 25, 2002


Set Time:

9:45 a.m.


Hearing Date:

August 6, 2002



Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



Consideration of an amendment to Condition of Approval No. 20 for a new single-family residence, second dwelling unit, and parcel merger, set forth by the Board of Supervisors on March 5, 2002, to allow a new fire hydrant to be installed in a different location. The project is located at 386/390 - 9th Street in the unincorporated Montara area of San Mateo County. This project is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission.


County File Number:

PLN 2001-00368 (Smith)




Approve the amendment to the Conditions of Approval approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 05, 2002, and adopt the revised Condition No. 20, as supported by the Point Montara Fire Protection District and as indicated in Attachment A.




In relation to constructing a new 2,483 sq. ft. single-family residence with an attached second dwelling unit on site, the applicant is requesting to install a new fire hydrant in a different location greater than the approved minimum distance. The proposed installation of a new fire hydrant at the southeast corner of East Avenue and Eighth Street, connecting to an existing 8-inch water main, would be a lineal distance of approximately 300 feet from the project site. Both the Point Montara Fire Protection District and the California-American Water Company recommend this location.




Report Prepared By: Chris Magnusson, Project Planner, Telephone 650/363-4016


Applicant/Owner: Therese Smith


Location: 386/390 - 9th Street in Montara


APN: 036-025-340


Parcel Size: 5,617 sq. ft.


Existing Zoning: R-1/S-17/DR/CD (One-Family Residential/Midcoast Combining District/Design Review/Coastal Development District)


Environmental Evaluation: The project was categorically exempt under Provisions of Section 15303, Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, regarding the construction of small structures in urbanized areas. A notice was filed on September 26, 2001.


Chronology: See Attachment E.








Revision of Condition of Approval Regarding Fire Hydrant Location


Since the Board of Supervisors' approval of the project on March 5, 2002, the applicant has obtained written documentation from the Point Montara Fire Protection District that indicates support for revising the condition of approval allowing the required hydrant installation in a new location where an 8-inch water main already exists. The applicant proposes to install a new fire-district approved hydrant on the southeast corner of East Avenue and Eighth Street onto this existing water main, which is the required size for current fire suppression standards (see Attachment B). As recommended by the Point Montara Fire Protection District, the amendment would change Condition of Approval No. 20 from:


A fire district approved fire hydrant (Clow 960) must be located within 200 feet of the proposed single-family dwelling unit measured by way of driveable access. The hydrant must produce a minimum fire flow of 1,000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure for two hours. Contact your local water purveyor for water flow details.




Install a new fire district approved fire hydrant (Clow 960) on the corner of the East Avenue and Eighth Street, as verified by the Point Montara Fire Protection District in the field. This fire hydrant must be capable of providing a minimum fire flow of 1,000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure for a 2-hour duration. Upon verification of proper installation of the new hydrant and the consent of the Point Montara Fire Protection District, the existing wharf-head fire hydrant at the northwest corner of East Avenue and Eighth Street shall be removed. All costs related to the removal of the existing fire hydrant shall be incurred by the project applicant.


The construction process involved in tapping into the existing 8-inch water main will include thrust block installation to reinforce the main line, hydrant installation, and backfill. The estimated distance of the hydrant to the subject site would be approximately 300 lineal feet. The Point Montara Fire Protection District has indicated that the existing wharf-head hydrant located at the northwest corner of East Avenue and Eight Street is the closest in proximity to the site but is incapable of supplying the required 1,000 gallons per minute flow rate. This existing wharf-head hydrant was constructed on a 4-inch water main, which is now substandard for providing adequate fire suppression. The Point Montara Fire Protection District and the California-American Water Company concur that upon successful installation of the new hydrant, the applicant must remove the existing wharf-head hydrant. In addition, all costs related to its removal would be incurred by the project applicant.


Staff's Response: Planning staff is supportive of the requested modification, considering no upgrade to infrastructure (i.e., expansion or increase in size of water lines) is involved, which would normally require an additional review process for a Coastal Development Permit. Staff is also supportive of the request because the Point Montara Fire Protection District has confirmed the new hydrant location, on the southeast corner of East Avenue and Eighth Street, meets fire code standards in the following ways: (1) it will lie within an appropriate distance for fire access to the subject site; (2) the required hydrant type (Clow 960) will be installed; and (3) the required 1,000 gallons per minute flow rate will be achieved. The Fire District has also indicated the new fire hydrant will provide the required fire flow rate to a number of other existing residences in the vicinity that currently depend upon the substandard wharf-head hydrant.



Resolution of Dispute Regarding Parcel Survey


At the appeal hearing on March 5, 2002, the Board of Supervisors directed Planning staff to address issues related to the subject parcel boundaries by obtaining a record of survey, which was subsequently filed by the applicant (the "Anton survey"). Since then, the neighbors have challenged the record of survey submitted by the applicant with one prepared by their land surveyor, Mr. Raymond B. Thinggaard (the "Thinggaard survey" - see Attachment C). This survey indicated property line locations and dimensions different from those determined by the applicant's surveyor.


There is no requirement or obligation that your Board address or resolve conflicts between these two surveys. The following is presented for your information only, as we expect this issue to be raised at the hearing.


Staff Response: Planning staff has consulted on this matter with both the Department of Public Works and County Counsel. In summary, we now have two Records of Survey on file. Both are technically and legally sufficient. The County has no role in determining which is "correct." Surveys can differ in their methods and conclusions. Resolving those is a civil matter ultimately settled in court.


The issue at hand is which survey to rely upon in locating the new building, measuring setbacks, etc. Planning staff has reached a determination to use the Anton survey, as relied upon by the applicant in preparing her plans. This is because the Anton survey (1) would provide a greater separation from existing neighboring properties and structures and (2) any "error" that might later be determined would affect the East Avenue right-of-way, rather than neighboring properties.


The easterly "shift" in property lines toward East Avenue under the Anton survey versus the Thinggaard survey would not be a significant impact to the existing right-of-way, due to: (1) East Avenue not likely becoming a County maintained road; (2) the Montara area's road standard of 28 feet in width, which leaves ample room to accommodate the differences between the two surveys, should East Avenue be improved; and (3) Board policy allowing limited use of vacated rights-of-way for setback purposes.




The construction of the single-family residence and second dwelling unit keeps the commitment to Offer a Full Range of Housing Choices and goal number 9: Housing exists for people at all income levels and for all generations of families. The project contributes to this commitment and goal by providing the applicant with a primary residence on a legal parcel and a smaller second unit for rental purposes as an additional relatively affordable housing option.





Recommended Revised Condition of Approval


Fire Hydrant Locations Map


Neighbor's Survey by Raymond B. Thinggaard


Approved Site Plan


Project Chronology

CHM:kcd - CHMM1097_WKU.DOC

Attachment A







Permit or Project File Number: PLN 2001-00368

Hearing Date: August 6, 2002


Prepared By: Chris Magnusson

For Adoption By: Board of Supervisors





Install a new fire district approved fire hydrant (Clow 960) on the corner of the East Avenue and Eighth Street, as verified by the Point Montara Fire Protection District in the field. This fire hydrant must be capable of providing a minimum fire flow of 1,000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure for a 2-hour duration. Upon verification of proper installation of the new hydrant and the consent of the Point Montara Fire Protection District, the existing wharf-head fire hydrant at the northwest corner of East Avenue and Eighth Street shall be removed. All costs related to the removal of the existing fire hydrant shall be incurred by the project applicant.


CHM:kcd - CHMM1097_WKU.DOC