Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Coroner's Office



August 5, 2002


August 20, 2002



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Robert Foucrault, Coroner


Coroner's Office Reorganization and Budget Reductions



(1) Adopt a resolution approving a reorganization of the Coroner's Office


(2) Approve a Salary Ordinance Amendment



Tight budget times and a desire to ensure the highest level of service led to the proposed reorganization and cost savings measures. The Coroner's Office, in cooperation with the County Manager's Office and the Employee and Public Services Department has studied what measures would be most prudent to generate efficiencies while maintaining high rates of customer satisfaction.



The Coroner's Office is proposing the following changes to the structure and operations of the department to achieve cost savings while maintaining responsive customer service:

_ Elimination of the Executive Assistant position

_ Holding vacant the Accountant II position

_ Addition of a Management Analyst II-U position

_ Remove the Senior Investigator assignment

This proposal eliminates the Executive Assistant position, which is vacant as the result of an early retirement package approved by your Board on July 9th, 2002. It also holds vacant for six months an Accountant II position that is currently unoccupied.
The proposed structure substitutes a Management Analyst II (unclassified) for these support and fiscal staff. Under the direct supervision of the Coroner, the Management Analyst would be responsible for managing the administrative functions of the Coroner's Office, including fiscal and budgetary obligations. The position of Chief Deputy Coroner, which is expected to be filled beginning early November, would oversee the Investigations and Pathology units under the direction of the Coroner. Hiring the Management Analyst at the II level affords the department additional savings while providing room for growth of the position.

Filling of the Chief Deputy Coroner position effectively eliminates the need for a Senior Investigator assignment. This results in savings of $12,500 from the removal of on-call and differential pay. The Chief Deputy Coroner and Coroner will serve as on-call back-up personnel as needed at no additional cost to the Department or County.

A double-fill Investigator position has been filled to assist with administrative issues arising in the Investigative unit while the Chief Deputy Coroner position was vacant and was funded by the savings from the vacancy. The double-fill position will remain through December, 2002 to assist with administrative functions while the new Chief Deputy and Management Analyst II familiarize themselves with department operations.

The proposed position changes involving the Executive Assistant, Accountant II and Management Analyst II-U will result in annual savings of $30,724. Additional on-going savings to the County includes the elimination of the Senior Investigator assignment and associated on-call and differential pay ($12,500). Total savings are projected to be $43,224, however that amount is partially offset by keeping the double-fill Investigator through the end of the calendar year at a cost of approximately $8,000. The end result is projected on-going annual savings of $35,224.


Visioning Alignment

The proposed reorganization of the Coroner's Office keeps the commitment to Ensure Basic Health and Safety for All, goal number 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors, by ensuring that all requests of the Coroner's office requiring investigative action will be met in a timely and effective manner through appropriate scheduling and management. In addition, the reorganization keeps the commitment to Responsive, Effective and Collaborative Government, goal number 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact rather than temporary relief or immediate gain, by reviewing future departmental needs through thoughtful analysis in light of anticipated budget cuts.


Fiscal Impact

The projected on-going savings to the department and the County is $35,224, with the possibility of additional savings depending on the outcome of the Accountant II vacancy evaluation. This includes savings from the position changes ($30,724) and removal of the Senior Investigator assignment ($12,500), partially offset by the additional cost of the double fill position ($8,000) through December, 2002.