Resolution No. _____________

Board of Supervisors, County of San Mateo, State of California

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Resolution Authorizing a Second Amended Joint Powers Agreement Incorporating the Terms and Conditions of the Previous Agreement, and Authorizing the Creation of the San Mateo County Telecommunications and Franchise Negotiation Authority ("SAMCAT") with the Added Authority to Negotiate Model Franchise Agreements with Public Utilities.


RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, that


WHEREAS, this Board of Supervisors on June 27, 1989, entered into a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement with eight cities to create the San Mateo County Cable TV Authority (SAMCAT); and


WHEREAS, member agencies have negotiated improved franchise agreements with their service providers with the input from SAMCAT; and


WHEREAS, there has been presented to this Board a Second Amended JPA Agreement as mentioned above which incorporates the terms and conditions of the previous agreement and authorizes SAMCAT to expand its role to include reviewing and developing model franchise agreements with public utilities; and


WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed and considered said agreement.





It is in the best interest of the County of San Mateo to approve the Second Amended Joint Powers Agreement by incorporating the terms and conditions of the previous agreement, and authorizing the creation of the San Mateo County Telecommunications and Franchise Negotiation Authority ("SAMCAT") with the authority to negotiate model franchise agreements with public utilities.



The President of this Board of Supervisors shall be, and is hereby, authorized and directed, for and behalf of the County of San Mateo, to execute said Second Amended Agreement.



The Clerk of this Board of Supervisors, is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the President of this Board of Supervisors to said written agreement.

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