Resolution No. _____________

Board of Supervisors, County of San Mateo, State of California

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Resolution Authorizing the Inclusion of a Portion of Mirada Road as a Route in the San Mateo County Bicycle Route Plan


RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, that


WHEREAS, this Board adopted the City/County Association of Governments' San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle Route Plan and an addendum to said plan as the San Mateo County Bicycle Route Plan (Plan) for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the Bicycle Transportation Account Funding Program; and


WHEREAS, the State of California is accepting applications for funding under the Bicycle Transportation Account Program; and


WHEREAS, projects proposed for grant funding must be on route identified in the agency's bicycle route plan in order to qualify for grant funding; and


WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended that applications be submitted for grant funding for projects on Mirada Road; and


WHEREAS, Mirada Road is currently not identified as a route in the San Mateo County's Bicycle Route Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended that Mirada Road be included as a route in the Plan; and


WHEREAS, this Board has considered the recommendation of the Director of Pubic Works.


NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED AND ORDERED that an Mirada Road from Alameda Avenue to Magellan Avenue is hereby added as a route to the San Mateo County Bicycle Route Plan.

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