Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder



December 27, 2002



January 7, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Warren Slocum, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder


Amended Agreement with ImageMax, Inc. for Microfilm Regeneration and Other Services ($268,000) and ATR ($68,000)



Adopt a resolution to: (1) authorize the execution of the first amendment to the agreement with ImageMax, Inc. (ImageMax), dated January 8, 2002, to extend the term of the agreement by one year and to add imaging services, for an increased amount not to exceed $268,000; and (2) approve an appropriation transfer request to transfer $68,000 accumulated in the Recorder's Micrographic Trust Fund, from the Unanticipated Revenue account to the Services & Supplies account within the County Clerk-Recorder budget unit.



This Honorable Board authorized an agreement with ImageMax on January 8, 2002 (Reso. No. 64988) in an amount not to exceed $200,000, to provide microfilm regeneration services to preserve the County Clerk-Recorder Division's film archive of official records. ImageMax was selected pursuant to a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.


Work began on January 9. Unanticipated defects in the quality of the master films delayed progress beyond the originally expected completion date of August 31. Therefore, we suspended the project on that date and did not immediately renew due to unusually heavy volume of recording activity in the Recorder Division through the end of the calendar year.


In addition, in the course of the project, we discovered that the inventory on which we based our project plan contained some duplicate counts. As a result, total regeneration costs will fall short of the originally encumbered amount. We currently estimate completion within 12 more months.



Presently, the historical indices of real property grantor-grantee records consist of large, hardcover books, heavily used for public research in the Recorder's Office. The normal wear-and-tear deterioration of the books has become quite apparent, and threatens the legibility of the originals and potential duplicate images.


The proposed amendment will provide for digital scanning and conversion to indexed, CD-R optical media. ImageMax has quoted a project cost of $67,550, an estimate supported by a pre-confirmed inventory and quality assessment of all the targeted books. While we expect that the surplus original funding for film regeneration will cover most, if not all, of the new project's costs, we believe it prudent to increase the contract at this time by the sum of $68,000, to cover contingencies. The two projects will proceed simultaneously within the one-year period of the proposed extension.


Both projects are essential to meeting our statutory duty to properly maintain and safeguard the County's archive of official records.


Vision Alignment

This agreement keeps County's Shared Vision 2010 Commitment to provide a "responsive, effective collaborative government" that makes "decisions . . . based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain." These two projects reflect our prudent investment of resources in the long-term security of the official records of the County and its residents.


Fiscal Impact

There is no Net County Cost. The proposed amendment will be fully funded by a combination of budgeted and existing unanticipated revenues in the Recorder's Micrographic Trust Fund.