Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Human Services Agency



January 29, 2003


February 25, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Maureen D. Borland, Director, Human Services Agency


Glen H. Brooks Jr., Director, Central Region


Acceptance of additional grant monies from the Governor's 25% Discretionary Fund for the Career Pathways Initiative Project and Additions to the Salary Ordinance Amendment




Adopt a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of additional grant monies in the amount of $900,000 from the Governor's 25% Discretionary Fund for the Career Pathways Initiative Project;



Adopt a Salary Ordinance to add four (4) Unclassified positions (an Office Specialist, two Employment Services Specialists and a Job Development Specialist) and convert five (5) Extra-Help positions to Unclassified positions (four Community Workers and one Employment Services Specialist) and;



Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) for the amount of $615,570 for FY 2002-03. The remainder of the grant ($284,430) is for FY 2003-04 and does not need to be included in this ATR.



On September 24, 2002, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 65583 to accept a grant in the amount of $2,538,390 from the Governor's 25% Discretionary Fund for the purpose of providing career assessment, counseling and retraining services for dislocated workers.


The San Mateo County Workforce Investment Board was recently awarded an additional $900,000 from the Governor's 25% Discretionary Funds, following the submission of a Career Pathways Initiative Project proposal to the State. The current proposal estimates project completion by September 30, 2003. Through this project San Mateo County plans to provide additional training funds to displaced workers, increase capacity of our One-Stop Career Centers Countywide, and expand staffing to provide comprehensive career counseling into career ladder pathways. This proposal will allow skills training opportunities to displaced workers Countywide through the PeninsulaWorks One-Stop Career Centers. This grant is part of the County's response to the economic downturn and will result in valuable employment-related services to customers. The Human Services Agency (HSA) is serving as the fiscal and administrative agent for this project on behalf of the Workforce Investment Board.


Prior to this grant application, the Agency responded immediately to the economic downturn and the vast number of displaced workers needing services at the Peninsula Works One-Stop centers. Extra-Help positions were hired due to the hiring freeze, to implement programs quickly.



The Agency anticipates the need to hire one Human Services Supervisor, three Employment Services Specialists, one Job Development Specialist and one Office Specialist to implement the aforementioned Career Pathways Initiative project. Two of these positions (one Human Services Supervisor-Unclassified and one Employment Services Specialist-Unclassified) are existing positions that were funded with the Caregiver Training Initiative grant until it expired December 31, 2002. These positions will now be funded by the Career Pathways Initiative grant to implement this project. The Agency is continuing to develop resources and additional funding to continue this project and allow sustainability. The additional positions needed are as follows:


County Counsel had reviewed and approved Board Memorandum and Resolution as to form.


Current Position

Org / Class Code

Current Status

Position Type

Employment Services Specialist II



Unclassified ($900K grant funded)

Employment Services Specialist II



Unclassified ($900K grant funded)

Office Specialist



Unclassified ($900K grant funded)

Job Development Specialist



Unclassified ($900K grant funded)


The rationale behind converting five Extra-Help positions to Unclassified positions is due to on-going funding availability. These positions are funded by CalWORKs Employment Services and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) allocations. These positions have been critical due to the saturation of the One-Stop system with workers needing employment and training services. However, due to the uncertain economy and potential further budget reductions, it is requested that these positions be added as Unclassified rather than Classified. The additional positions requested are as follows:


Current Position

Org and Class Code

Current Status

Position Type

Community Worker II



Unclassified - WIA funded

Community Worker II



Unclassified - WIA funded

Employment Services Specialist II



Unclassified - WIA funded

Community Worker II



Unclassified - CalWORKs funded

Community Worker II



Unclassified - CalWORKs funded


Vision Alignment

The acceptance of the funds, conversion and creation of positions keeps the commitment of: Creating opportunities for every household to participate in our prosperity and goal number 17: All households experience real gains in income. These efforts contribute to this commitment and goal by supporting employment and training services that assist individuals in finding gainful employment and reaching self-sufficiency.


Fiscal Impact

The cost of six grant funded positions, including four new Unclassified positions and two existing Unclassified positions, which will now be redirected to this grant, are estimated at $235,070. Additional costs for services and supplies, training and supportive services, result in a total project cost of $615,570 for FY 2002-03. These costs are fully funded by the 25% Governor's Discretionary Funds for the Career Pathways Initiative project. There is no match requirement for this grant.


The increased cost of converting five Extra-Help positions to Unclassified positions is $84,055. The additional costs will be funded 100% with WIA and CalWORKs allocations.


The original grant from the 25% Governor's Discretionary Fund was for $2,538,390, and this additional grant is for $900,000 for a total grant amount of $3,438,390.


There is no Net County Cost impact as a result of approving these recommended actions.