Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



April 14, 2003


April 22, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Construction of Road and Utility Improvements and Dedication of a Public Utility Easement - Condition of Approval of Subdivision PLN 2001-00386 - 3027 Canyon Road, Burlingame Hills Area



Adopt resolutions:



Authorizing the President of the Board to execute a secured agreement with Harlan D. Bryan for the construction of improvements on and adjacent to 3027 Canyon Road in connection with Resubdivision File No. PLN 2001-00386.




Accepting the offer of dedication of public utility easements;



Approving the parcel map; and



Directing the Clerk of the Board to execute the appropriate certificate on the parcel map for PLN 2001-00386 and file the map for record.


Key Facts


The County Subdivision Ordinance (Section 3.4) requires subdividers to provide public works improvements as a condition of their subdivision approval.



The Subdivision Ordinance also requires subdividers to dedicate public easements when necessary.



Access, drainage and utility improvements are required to serve the proposed subdivision.



The proposed agreement provides that Harlan Bryan, the subdivider, will construct the necessary improvements to serve the proposed subdivision at 3027 Canyon Road.


The agreement for the improvements is secured by a "Subdivision Improvement Bond" in the amount of $165,000 to cover both the cost of the work ($110,000) and payments to the contractor ($55,000). It will be released upon satisfactory completion of the improvements and the posting of a security in the amount of ten percent (10%) ($11,000) to guarantee the work for one year.


The subdivision map has also been reviewed and checked and we are recommending that it also be approved.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with the Shared Commitment of a "responsive, effective and collaborative government" and Goal Number 20, "government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impacts rather than temporary relief or immediate gain," as the proposed subdivision conforms to all the requirements of the subdivision ordinance.


Fiscal Impact

The County has no financial obligation as a result of this agreement.


Forms of resolutions and an agreement have been approved by County Counsel and the agreement has been executed by the subdivider.