Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



June 3, 2003



June 17, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Maintenance Management System Software and Implementation Services - Roads, Sewers and Facilities



Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute an agreement with Hansen Information Technologies, Inc. (Hansen), to provide Computerized Maintenance Management System software and implementation services which will be used by the staff of the Road, Sewer and Facility Services Divisions of Public Works.


Key Facts


The utilization of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) will improve the quality of the County's infrastructure and increase customer service through the management, scheduling and tracking of maintenance activities and costs.



The consultant selection procedures in Administrative Memorandum B-1 were used to select Hansen to provide the software and implementation services for the CMMS.



Asset and maintenance information for Road Maintenance, Sewer Maintenance and Facility Maintenance operations is currently maintained using a variety of methods. The need to better organize and manage data was identified during the annual Outcome Based Management sessions to improve the way maintenance work is scheduled, tracked and evaluated; to provide more timely information to our customers; and to identify and track high maintenance activities and areas.


An operational review of the three maintenance functions was also performed in FY 2001/2002 to identify opportunities to maximize the potential effectiveness of a CMMS system. Recommendations from that review will be incorporated into the CMMS implementation project and include: expanding the use of computers for staff to manage operations and minimize multiple systems, relating schedules to annual work plans and routine processes, and creating preventive maintenance criteria for all facility assets for use with an automated system.


A CMMS implementation project team was formed January 2003 that included a cross section of staff from the various maintenance programs and administration as well as technical support from the department's business systems and accounting staff and the County's Information Services Department. Project roles and responsibilities were defined and a project plan was developed. Various team members visited other jurisdictions that have implemented CMMS to evaluate real-time systems. The assessment involved implementation pitfalls, ongoing system maintenance requirements and future system scalability. Work has also begun to identify required asset and activity data and to develop a data collection process for system implementation.


A Request for Proposal was developed and sent out to ten potential vendors and posted on the Department's website. Attached is the Request For Proposal Information Matrix as required by Administrative Memorandum B-1.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with Shared Vision Commitments to be a "responsive, effective and collaborative government," and Goal Number 20, "government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain" as the proposed CMMS will provide the required information to more effectively manage the Road, Sewer and Facility infrastructures.


Fiscal Impact

The cost of the CMMS is $237,230 and includes software, training, implementation and data conversion services and will be allocated based on the number of CMMS users in each of the three maintenance functions. The software is compatible with and can be used on the existing computer systems in Public Works. Appropriations for the CMMS are included in the FY 2002/03 Road Maintenance, Sewer Maintenance and Facility Maintenance budgets. There is no direct impact to the General Fund.


A form of resolution has been approved by County Counsel.