Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Human Services Agency



June 26, 2003


July 15, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Maureen D. Borland, Director, Human Services Agency
Stuart Oppenheim, Director, Northern Region



Agreement with Family Service Agency of San Mateo



Adopt a Resolution authorizing execution of an Agreement with the Family Service Agency of San Mateo (FSA) for the provision of the Visitation services. The term of the Agreement is July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005.



A concerted community effort to establish the Center began in 1989 with the discussions between subcommittees of the County's Grand Jury and the Children's Executive Council. These meetings established the crucial need for a facility or "safe place" for supervising family visits between abused or neglected children and their parents. In the two years following, the concept of a visiting center was refined and fund raising efforts began. Over $200,000 in private funds was raised for start-up and ongoing support of the Center.

In April 1991, the Board of Supervisors selected Family Service Agency of San Mateo County, a local nonprofit organization, to operate the Center.

On July 9, 2001, the County Manager's Office approved an amendment to an Agreement for enhancements. The first enhancement allowed families to have visits away from the two agency sites. These visits could be held in one of the Human Services Agency's regional offices or at any site to be determined by the social worker in consultation with the visitation supervisor and with the family. The second enhancement allowed the Family Visitation Center to hire a Child Development Specialist to supervise visits between parents and children considered high risk for abuse or neglect.

The role of the Child Development Specialist would be to intervene if the parents' behavior posed a risk to the child and to give the parents' feedback on how the visit was going, pointing out strengths and weaknesses. These enhancements increased the Agency's capacity to respond to the needs of the County to provide services to families with court-ordered visitations.



In May 2003, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was conducted ( see attached matrix). The proposal was posted on the Internet and mailed to over 58 agencies within the County. There were three agencies that expressed interest. Two attended the RFP Conference. Of the three only FSA submitted a proposal. Therefore, the Human Services Agency (HSA) recommends that FSA continue providing the Visitation services for the Children and Family Services Division.

This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form by the County Counsel's Office.
Risk Management has reviewed and approved the Contractor's insurance coverage.


Performance Measure

Family Service Agency of San Mateo County is in compliance with the Human Services Agency Outcome Based Management (OBM) Program plans. Below are the Recommended Performance Measure included in the OBM plans.


Performance Measure

Source of Data

Actual FY 2003-05

Projected FY 2003-05

The number of supervised visitations hours

FSA Computer System

700 hours

1,101 hours


Vision Alignment

This Agreement with the FSA keeps the commitment of: Ensuring basic health and safety for all and goal number 6: All children grow up healthy in safe and supportive homes and neighborhoods. The Agreement with FSA contributes to this commitment and goal by providing and assisting child welfare workers by supervising visits and providing transportation for children to programs and therapy.


Fiscal Impact

The term of the Agreement is July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005. The total obligation is $142,000, of which $99,400 is state and federal funds and $42,600 is Net County Cost. Funds for the FY 2003-04 in the amount of $71,000 have been budgeted in the Children and Family Services budget. Funds for the FY 2004-05 in the amount of $71,000 will be included in the Children and Family Services budget. There is no additional Net County Cost associated as a result of this Agreement.