
September 18, 2003

Hearing Date:

October 7, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Library Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) Governance Issues and Half Moon Bay Library Project Report



Accept a report regarding:



Library JPA Governance Issues


Half Moon Bay Library Project




Library JPA Governance Issues


The Library JPA provides a remarkably good level of service to the eleven cities and towns, plus the Town of Colma and residents of the unincorporated County. During the first four years, the JPA has functioned well but experienced some growing pains. Over the past two years in particular, the JPA has been discussing and attempting to resolve several governance issues.


A consultant was brought in to assist the JPA in outlining a process for resolving the following main issues:



Role of the Governing Board


Library Director Employment and Performance


Staffing and Administrative Procedures




The County General Fund Contribution/Use of Unincorporated Tax Proceeds


Depository for Funds- Treasurer and Audit Services


Over the past several months, the consultant has been working with the JPA to resolve these issues and identify the most efficient management options for the JPA while continuing the current high level of operational efficiencies. In August 2003, the consultant presented the report's findings to the JPA Board, which proceeded to approve five of the six approaches to the six issues. The JPA Board appointed a subcommittee to resolve the final issue, the County General Fund Contribution/Use of Unincorporated Tax Proceeds. The JPA Board meets on October 6, 2003 to review and recommend this item. An update on the JPA Board's action will be presented at the October 7, 2003 study session.


Half Moon Bay Library Project


In March 2003 the City of Half Moon Bay filed an application with the State of California for grant construction monies. The State grants are available through a highly competitive process on a 65% State to 35% local matching fund basis. Half Moon Bay requested $12,103,978 in grant funds. The total project cost (exclusive of equipment and furnishings) is $18,944,744. The remaining $6,517,526 would be shared equally by the City of Half Moon Bay and the County, as per the JPA agreement. Each would contribute $3,258,763 with the City of Half Moon Bay managing the project. The State grant awards are expected to be announced in September of October of 2003. If Half Moon Bay receives the award, construction documents would need to be completed, with construction starting approximately January 2005 and estimated opening of the new facility in January 2006.


County staff has reviewed the project budget and will bring an agreement to the Board in the near future.