Inter-Departmental Correspondence





October 20, 2003


9:15 a.m.


November 4, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



Consideration of an appeal of a decision by the Planning Commission to approve a Minor Subdivision, pursuant to Section 7010 of the San Mateo County Subdivision Regulations and the State Subdivision Map Act, to subdivide an existing 19,707 sq. ft. parcel into two parcels consisting of 10,834 sq. ft. and 8,873 sq. ft. located at 2279 Alameda de las Pulgas in the unincorporated Redwood City area of San Mateo County.


County File Number:

PLN 2001-00080 (Ghaffari)




That the Board of Supervisors deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission to approve the minor subdivision, County File Number PLN 2001-00080, by making the required findings and adopting the conditions of approval set forth in Attachment A.




The applicant proposes to subdivide an existing 19,707 sq. ft. parcel into two parcels: Parcel A consisting of 8,873 sq. ft., and Parcel B consisting of 10,834 sq. ft.




Report Prepared By: Gabrielle Rowan, Project Planner, Telephone, 650/363-1829


Appellants: Lawrence Searcy and Kelsey Taussig


Applicant/Owner: Firooz Ghaffari


Location: 2279 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City


APN: 069-294-120


Size: 19,707 sq. ft.


Existing Zoning: R-1/S-7 (Single-Family Residential/5,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size)


General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential (6.1 to 8.7 dwelling units per acre)


Existing Land Use: One single-family residence with second dwelling unit


Parcel Legality: Parcel created by deed in 1932, which pre-dates any requirements that the County imposed on minor subdivisions. Certificate of Compliance Type A approved on April 3, 2003


Water Supply: California Water Service Company


Sewage Disposal: Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District


Flood Zone: FEMA Flood Zone Map indicates the location of the parcel is in Zone C, area of minimal flooding, Community Panel No. 060311 0254 B, effective date: July 5, 1984


Environmental Evaluation: Exempt under provisions of Section 15315, Class 15 of the California Environmental Quality Act (Land division of 4 or less parcels in urbanized areas in conformance with the General Plan and Zoning).


Setting: The subject property is currently developed with an existing single-family home, a detached structure and a detached second dwelling unit. The surrounding parcels are developed with 1- and 2-story single-family residences. The applicant has indicated that the main dwelling unit and detached garage on the proposed Parcel A will remain, and that the detached second dwelling unit on the proposed Parcel B will be demolished.








February 6, 2001


Application for Minor Subdivision submitted.


April 4, 2001


Application deemed incomplete pending additional information.


November 26, 2002


Application complete.


January 16, 2003


Item continued at Public Hearing to allow time for a neighborhood meeting to take place.


January 30, 2003


Neighborhood meeting with all interested parties and County staff.


February 20, 2003


Item continued at Public Hearing to allow additional time for applicant to submit information in relation to drainage and sewer issues.


March 19, 2003


Additional neighborhood meeting held on site by applicant and engineer with interested parties.


March 20, 2003


Item continued at Public Hearing to allow additional time for applicant to submit information in relation to drainage and sewer issues.


March 24, 2003


Additional information submitted by applicant's engineer in relation to options for drainage and sewer plans.


March 30, 2003


Staff report with drainage and sewer options mailed to all interested parties following review by Planning Division and Department of Public Works staff.


April 3, 2003


Project approved by the Zoning Hearing Officer.


April 21, 2003


Appeal filed by Lawrence Searcy.


April 22, 2003


Kelsey Taussig requests co-appellant status.


August 13, 2003


Appeal denied and project approved by Planning Commission.


August 20, 2003


Appeal filed by Lawrence Searcy.


September 2, 2003


Kelsey Taussig requests co-appellant status.


October 28, 2003


Board of Supervisors Public Hearing.






At their meeting on August 13, 2003, the Planning Commission denied the appeal submitted by Lawrence Searcy and Kelsey Taussig in relation to the Zoning Officer's decision to approve the proposed subdivision. The vote was unanimous at 4-0 (Commissioner Silver absent). In approving the proposed subdivision, the Planning Commission imposed an additional condition (Condition No. 11 as listed in Attachment A), with consent of the applicant, which increased the proposed side yard setbacks for any future development on Parcel B from 5 feet to 10 feet.





The main issues of the appeal submitted by the adjacent neighbors of the project site (a map showing the location of the appellants is included in Attachment B) are indicated below in bold type followed by staff's response. A complete copy of the appeal application and letter are listed in Attachments F and G.



Parcel B will be too small for building.


If the portion of the driveway is excluded from consideration, the remaining area of Parcel B is not large enough for a new building development.


Staff's Response: Proposed Parcel B will have a net area of 10,164 sq. ft. The minimum parcel size in this zoning district is 5,000 sq. ft. (refer to Section C.1 of this report for a more detailed analysis of the Zoning Regulations). This proposed parcel complies with this requirement. The proposed driveway and turnaround (approximately 2,000 sq. ft.) will not form part of an access easement and, therefore, is not excluded from the parcel size calculation. As the minimum parcel size in this zoning district is 5,000 sq. ft., there will be an ample building envelope for a house on this 10,164 sq. ft. parcel.



Insufficient side setback will block light to neighboring parcels.


Any new construction on the proposed lot would block the sunlight on adjacent properties.


Staff's Response: This zoning district allows single-family residential development on lots which are 5,000 sq. ft. or greater provided that the new construction complies with the R-1/S-7 development standards in terms of setbacks, lot coverage and height. The impact of daylight and privacy issues was considered during the formulation of these Zoning Regulations. There will be an ample sized building envelope on this proposed 10,164 sq. ft. parcel where 5,000 sq. ft. is the minimum parcel size required by the zoning district. Section 7020.3.a. of the County Subdivision Regulations relate to solar access. This proposal is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations.


Insufficient privacy


Setbacks that only maintain five feet from the shared property line will violate privacy rights and interfere with the neighbor's enjoyment of their backyard.


Staff's Response: This zoning district allows single-family residential development on lots which are 5,000 sq. ft. or greater provided that the new construction complies with the R-1/S-7 development standards in terms of setbacks, lot coverage and height. The impact of daylight and privacy issues was considered during the formulation of these Zoning Regulations. The decision of the Planning Commission on August 13, 2003 imposed a greater side yard setback (Condition No. 11). The side yard setback for proposed Parcel B will be 10 feet. Staff considers that this increased setback will ensure adjacent privacy rights are protected.



Lot is unsuitable for residential development.


The back of the lot floods every year and was once part of a winter pond as were the developed parcels directly behind this lot.


Staff's Response: Conditions of approval were imposed by the Planning Commission which related to the proposed drainage and sewering of these two lots (Conditions 15 and 16). Prior to the issuance of the decision, the applicant's engineer provided a number of drainage solutions in order to address the neighbors' concerns. These options were reviewed by Planning and Department of Public Works staff, and all solutions were deemed appropriate to the development and to the parcel.



Unrealistic engineering solutions for the proposed subdivision


The options provided by the applicant's engineer are unrealistic.


Staff's Response: Due to the concerns of the neighbors following the January 16, 2003 ZHO hearing, the applicant's engineering consultants prepared two options for the potential drainage of the site. These included either the provision of trench dissipaters on both parcels or the importation of fill material on proposed Parcel B to increase the elevation of the site which will redirect stormwater to the street. Staff believes that both of these options will alleviate the current drainage issues on the site.


In addition, the applicant's engineer provided two options for the sewering of Parcel B. This can be accomplished by way of either a sewer easement on a adjacent parcel to Helena Way or by a gravity flow system or pump system to Alameda de las Pulgas. Both of these options would comply with the proposed conditions of approval. The drainage and sewer plan alternatives are listed as Attachment D of this report.


The proposed drainage and sewer plan have not yet been selected by the applicant at this planning stage. The purpose of the engineer's exercise was to show that a variety of options do exist to alleviate the neighbors' concerns.


The recommended conditions of approval provide two options as to when these plans have to be implemented. If the existing house on Parcel B is to remain, then the drainage and sewer plans, as well as other infrastructure improvements, have to be implemented prior to the recordation of the parcel map. However, if the existing house of Parcel B is demolished prior to the recordation of the parcel map, these infrastructure improvements will coincide with the construction of new development on the parcel. The proposed drainage plan will be reviewed as part of the building permit process for this new construction.



Additional Conditions Requested by Appellants



Addition of solar easement for home photovoltaic system.


Staff's Response: This zoning district allows single-family residential development on lots which are 5,000 sq. ft. or greater provided that the new construction complies with the R-1/S-7 development standards in terms of setbacks, lot coverage and height. The impact of daylight and privacy issues was considered during the formulation of these Zoning Regulations. Section 7020.3.a. of the County Subdivision Regulations relate to solar access. The proposed subdivision complies with this section and therefore there is no requirement for a solar easement.



Condition stipulating building pad to ensure adequate setbacks.


Staff's Response: Any new construction on the new parcels will have to comply with the current Zoning Regulations in effect at the time, and the conditions imposed by the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission on August 13, 2003 imposed a condition which increased the side yard setbacks from 5 feet to 10 feet (Condition No. 11) in an attempt to address the appellants' concern.



Condition requesting a 10-foot wide level pad be constructed directly adjacent to the sidewalk to improve the driver's sight distance along Alameda de las Pulgas.


Staff's Response: This proposal will utilize two existing vehicular access points onto Alameda de las Pulgas. Condition 14 relates to the provision of a driveway plan and profile to ensure that the improved driveways comply with County Standards.


Staff has evaluated the level of traffic currently using Alameda de las Pulgas and the capacity of that thoroughfare, and has researched County records in relation to the traffic activity on Alameda de las Pulgas and consulted with the Department of Public Works. Based on this analysis, staff believes that the additional activity generated by the subdivision would not have a significant impact on traffic levels, congestion or safety.



Staff should investigate high ground water on Parcel B.


Staff's Response: Conditions of approval are recommended which relate to the proposed drainage of these two lots. The applicant's engineer has already provided a number of drainage solutions in order to address the neighbors' concerns. These options were reviewed by Planning and Department of Public Works staff and all solutions were deemed appropriate to the development and to the current state of the parcel.






Removal of Condition No. 11


Following the Planning Commission's decision dated August 13, 2003 and the subsequent appeal received from the neighbors, the applicant submitted a letter requesting the removal of a condition imposed by the Planning Commission. A copy of the applicant's letter is listed as Attachment H.


Condition No. 11 states:


"Record a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the Planning Director and County Counsel specifying that any and all development, including detached accessory buildings, shall observe minimum 10-foot side yard setbacks (both sides). Staff shall tag Parcel B accordingly in the Planning Division tracking system."


This condition was imposed by the Planning Commission to attempt to address the concerns of the adjacent neighbors in relation to potential development. The applicant claims that he agreed to the imposition of this condition to appease the neighbors and to expedite the decision process. However, upon receipt of a further appeal, the applicant now requests that this condition be deleted and therefore the side yard setbacks for Parcel B would revert back to five feet as set by the Zoning Regulations.





Staff has determined that the project complies with all applicable General Plan policies, with specific discussion of the following:


Chapter 8 - Urban Land Use. The County General Plan designates the subject property as medium density residential, 6.1 to 8.7 dwelling units per acre. The proposed project will be equivalent to 4.35 units per acre. Therefore, the proposed land division is in compliance with the land use designation and density limits mandated by the General Plan.






Development Standards


The subject property is located in the R-1/S-7 Zoning District. The following table summarizes the development standards as per Section 6300 of the Zoning Regulations and how the existing structures, if they were to remain, comply with these regulations.



Parcel A

Parcel B


Minimum Lot Size

5,000 sq. ft.

8,873 sq. ft.

10,834 sq. ft.


Parcel Width

50 ft.

59.78 ft.

80 ft.*


Maximum lot coverage


15.5% (1,381 sq. ft.)

Not applicable**


Front Setback

20 ft.

80 ft.

Not applicable**


Left Side Setback

5 feet

20 ft.

Not applicable**


Right Side Setback

5 ft.

10 ft.

Not applicable**


Rear Setback

20 ft.

22 feet

Not applicable**


Accessory Building

3 ft. from rear and side property lines

3 ft. from rear and side property lines

Not applicable


Maximum Height

36 feet

Less than 16 ft.

Less than 16 ft.



Flag parcel - street frontage is 20.33 feet.



Existing structure to be demolished.


Compliance with Subdivision Regulations


In accordance with Section 7134, this parcel qualifies for a Certificate of Compliance (Type A) as it was created by deed in 1932, which pre-dates any requirements that the County imposed on minor subdivisions. A parcel which was created by deed prior to 1945 qualifies for a Certificate of Compliance (Type A).


In relation to the proposed subdivision, both parcels comply with the requirement for a minimum depth of 100 feet as per Section 7020.2 of the Subdivision Regulations. This project has been processed in accordance with the County Subdivision Regulations and the State Subdivision Map Act, and reviewed by various agencies for compliance with provisions of the County Subdivision Regulations. In order to approve this application, the Planning Commission must make the following findings:



In accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, this map, together with the provisions for its design or improvement, is consistent with the San Mateo County General Plan.


The overall project is consistent with the County's General Plan as described in Section B of the report.



The site is suitable for the type of development and for the proposed density of development.


The site is physically suitable for single-family residential development for the following reasons: (1) the proposed parcels conform to the minimum parcel size requirements of the R-1/S-7 Zoning District; (2) the existing structures to remain, conform with the R-1/S-7 development standards; (3) access could feasibly be provided to the proposed parcels; and (4) the site will be served by public connection to sewer and water services.



The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems, substantial environmental damage, or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitats.


The site is located in an urban area surrounded by developed parcels. Utilities are available for the existing and proposed parcels. The area is not identified as a sensitive fish or wildlife habitat area on the County's Fish and Game Natural Diversity Map. The subdivision's design and size are such that it would not result in public health or environmental problems.



The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of property within the proposed subdivision.


There are no easements which will be affected by this proposal.


The proposed parcels will take access from a public street, Alameda de las Pulgas. The access point and driveway of proposed Parcel B is required to be designed to the Department of Public Works standards (see Condition of Approval No. 8).



The design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive of natural heating or cooling opportunities.


Future development could be designed to make use of adaptive heating and cooling as the new parcel configuration allows for the maximization of solar access and orientation to the southwest.



The discharge waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system would not result in violation of existing requirements prescribed by State Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 1300) of the State Water Code.


The Department of Public Works, which provides sewer service, has reviewed the proposed subdivision and has indicated that the project, as conditioned, would not violate the State Water Code.



The benefits of additional housing are greater than any negative effects the subdivision would have on fiscal and environmental resources.


Approval of this project will allow the creation of one additional home site in the County. No negative effects on fiscal or environmental resources have been identified and this project will be processed with an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).



In-Lieu Park Fees


Section 7055.3 of the Subdivision Regulations require that, as a condition of approval of a tentative parcel map, the applicant dedicate land or pay a fee in-lieu of dedication for the purpose of acquiring, developing, or rehabilitating County park and recreation facilities and/or assisting other providers of parks and recreation facilities in acquiring, developing or rehabilitating facilities that will serve the proposed subdivision. The section further defines the formula for calculating this fee. The fee for this subdivision is $7,605.33.





The Proposed minor subdivision is exempt from environmental review under provisions of Section 15315, Class 15, of the California Environmental Quality Act. Class 15 consists of the division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial or industrial uses into four or fewer parcels, when the decision is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, and no variances or exceptions are required. The parcel does not have an average slope of greater than 20 percent. A Notice of Exemption will be filed and posted by this office after a final decision has been made at the public hearing.





Department of Pubic Works


Environmental Health Division


Building Inspection Section


County Counsel


Menlo Park Fire Protection District


Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District


Selby Park Homeowners Association (no comments received)




This project keeps the commitment of redesigning our urban environment to increase vitality, expand variety and reduce congestion and goal number 11: new housing is clustered with jobs and commercial services along transportation corridors. This proposal contributes towards this commitment and goal since this proposed subdivision will be located within the urban environment close to existing services and infrastructure.




There will be no fiscal impact to the County.





Recommended Findings and Conditions of Approval


Vicinity Map Showing Location of Appellants


Tentative Subdivision Map


Proposed Drainage and Sewer Plan Alternatives


Letter of Decision issued by Planning Commission dated August 13, 2003


Appeal Documents submitted August 20, 2003 by Lawrence Searcy


Appeal Letter Submitted September 2, 2003 by Kelsey Taussig


Letter from Applicant dated September 10, 2003


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Attachment A







Permit or Project File Number:

Board Meeting Date: November 4, 2003


PLN 2001-00080


Prepared By: Gabrielle Rowan

For Adoption By: Board of Supervisors




For the minor subdivision, found that:



In accordance with Section 66473.5 of the Subdivision Map Act, this map, together with the provisions for its design or improvement, is consistent with the San Mateo County General Plan.



The site is physically suitable for the type of residential development and for the proposed density of development.



The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems, substantial environmental damage, or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife.



The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision.



The design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities.



The discharge waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system would not result in violation of existing requirements prescribed by State Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 1300) of the State Water Code.



The benefits of additional housing are greater than any negative effects the subdivision would have on fiscal and environmental resources.


For the Environmental Review, found that:



This project is exempt from CEQA, Class 15, Section 15315, regarding the division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial or industrial uses into four or fewer parcels.




Planning Division



This subdivision approval is valid for two years, during which time a final Parcel Map shall be filed. An extension to the time period, pursuant to Section 7013.5 of the County Subdivision Regulations, may be issued by the Planning Division upon written request and payment of any applicable extension fees.



A building permit shall be applied for and obtained from the Building Inspection Section for any future demolition. If either house is demolished prior to recordation of the final parcel map, building permits for new houses shall not neither be applied for nor issued until after the parcel map is recorded.



Prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map, the applicant shall pay to the San Mateo County Planning and Building Division, an amount of either $7,605.33 or a different, updated amount based on the most recent assessed property valuation, whichever is larger, for in-lieu park fees as required by County Subdivision Regulations Section 7055.3.



Prior to the recordation of the Final Parcel Map, the applicant shall pay to the San Mateo County Planning and Building Division, an amount of $792.00 for the Certificate of Compliance application fees.



Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any future construction, the applicant shall provide an erosion and sediment control plan, which demonstrates how erosion will be mitigated during the construction period. This mitigation will be in place at all times during construction.



During any future project construction, the applicant, shall, pursuant to Section 5022 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, minimize the transport and discharge of stormwater runoff from the construction site into storm drain systems and water bodies by:



Stabilizing all denuded areas and maintaining erosion control measures continuously between October 15 and April 15.



Removing spoils promptly, and avoiding stockpiling of fill materials, when rain is forecast. If rain threatens, stockpiled spoils and other materials shall be covered with a tarp of other waterproof material.



Storing, handling, and disposing of construction materials and wastes so as to avoid their entry to the storm drain system or water body.



Avoiding cleaning, fueling or maintaining vehicles on-site, except in an area designated to contain and treat runoff.



Limiting and timing application of pesticides and fertilizers to avoid polluting runoff.



All new utilities for the proposed subdivision shall be installed underground from the nearest existing utility pole. No new utility poles shall be installed. All future structures requiring utilities shall be installed underground to comply with this condition. Implementation of this condition shall occur prior to the recordation of the parcel map if the house on proposed Parcel B is to remain. Should the house be demolished prior to recordation of the parcel map, implementation of this condition shall occur prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for a new residence.



No trees shall be removed as part of this subdivision approval. Any tree removal shall comply with County regulations including a separate permitting process with the Planning Division.



Prior to the recordation of the Parcel map, the existing porch on the structure located on Parcel B shall be removed as shown on the submitted drawings. The rear lean-to addition to the house on Parcel B shall also be removed or proof of its legality shall be submitted to the County Planning Division. Demolition permits will be required from the Building Inspection Section for any demolition.



Prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map, a gate or fence shall be installed across both the existing and proposed access driveway to Parcel B. Plans of the gate/fence shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Department and Planning Division prior to the installation. The gate or fence shall comply with all necessary Planning, Public Works and Fire regulations. An encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department will be required should the applicant choose to place the gate or fence within the Alameda de las Pulgas' right-of-way.



Record a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the Planning Director and County Counsel specifying that any and all development, including detached accessory buildings, shall observe minimum 10-foot side yard setbacks (both sides). Staff shall tag Parcel B accordingly in the Planning Division tracking system.


Department of Public Works



Prior to the issuance of the building permit, the applicant will be required to provide payment of "roadway mitigation fees" based on the square footage (assessable space) of the proposed residence, per Ordinance No. 3277.


No construction work within the County right-of-way shall begin until Public Works requirements for the issuance of an encroachment permit, including review of applicable plans, have been met and an encroachment permit is issued by the Department of Public Works.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall submit driveway "Plans and Profiles" (both parcels), to the Public Works Department, showing the driveway access to each parcel (garage slab) complying with County Standards for driveway slopes (not to exceed 20 percent) and to County Standards for driveways (at the property line) being the same elevation as the center of the access roadway. When, appropriate, this plan and profile shall be prepared form elevations and alignment shown on the improvement plans. The driveway plan shall also include and show specific provisions and details for handling both the existing road and the proposed drainage. Implementation of this condition shall occur prior to the recordation of the parcel map if the house on proposed Parcel B is to remain. Should the house be demolished prior to recordation of the parcel map, implementation of this condition shall occur prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a building permit for a new residence.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall have prepared, by a Registered Civil Engineer, a drainage analysis of the proposed subdivision and submit it to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The drainage analysis shall consist of a written narrative and a plan. The flow of the stormwater onto, over, and off the property being subdivided shall be detailed on the plan and shall include adjacent lands as appropriate to clearly depict the pattern of flow. The analysis shall detail the measures necessary to certify adequate drainage. Recommended measures shall be designed and included on the improvement plans and submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Selection of the final drainage solution shall include consideration of drainage alternatives submitted on March 24, 2003 and attached. Selection of the final drainage solution shall also occur after additional consultation with adjacent property owners regarding their preferred drainage alternative. Implementation of this condition shall occur prior to the recordation of the parcel map if the house on proposed Parcel B is to remain. Should the house be demolished prior to recordation of the parcel map, implementation of this condition shall occur prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a building permit for a new residence.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall prepare a plan indicating the proposed method of sewering these properties. This plan should be included on the improvement plans and submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Selection of the final sewer solution shall include consideration of sewer alternatives submitted on March 24, 2003 and attached. Implementation of this condition shall occur prior to the recordation of the parcel map if the house on proposed Parcel B is to remain. Should the house be

demolished prior to recordation of the parcel map, implementation of this condition shall occur prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a building permit for a new residence.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the property owner shall dedicate appropriate Sanitary Sewer Easements, if applicable.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall submit, to both the Public Works Department and the Planning Division, written certification from the appropriate Water District stating that their requirements to provide water service connections to the proposed parcels of this subdivision have been met.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, any potable water system work required by the appropriate district within the County right-of-way shall not be commenced until County requirements for the issuance of an encroachment permit have been met. Plans for such work shall be reviewed by the Public Works Department prior to the issuance of the permit.



Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall permit written certification from the appropriate energy and communication utilities to the Public Works Department and the Planning Division stating that they will provide energy and communication services to the proposed parcels of this subdivision.



The applicant shall submit a parcel map to the Department of Public Works for review and recording.



All plans, with specific construction details, shall be stamped and signed by the Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval prior to construction.


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