Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Environmental Services Agency

Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer Division



November 12, 2003


December 2, 2003



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Marcia Raines, Environmental Services Agency Director

Gail Raabe, Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer



FY 2003-04 Agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for Sudden Oak Death/Oak Mortality Disease Regulation Activities (#03-0547) in an Amount not to Exceed $85,000



Adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for Sudden Oak Death/Oak Mortality Disease Regulation activities in an amount not to exceed $85,000.



Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is a plant disease that has attacked oaks as well as other trees and plants in 12 coastal California counties including San Mateo County. SOD poses a significant threat to oak trees and their habitats/ecosystems. State, federal and Canadian quarantines imposed on all infested counties have impacted the ability of the County's nursery industry to ship plants. Nursery stock cannot move outside the quarantine area without certification from the local Agricultural Commissioner.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is the lead agency for the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF). This multi-agency task force was formed under the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection to help develop a coordinated effort to address SOD. Agencies involved in the task force include the Departments of Forestry and Fire Protection, Food and Agriculture, CalTrans, State Parks, State Fish and Game, The Resources Agency, UC Cooperative Extension, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, U.S.Forest Service, National Park Service, and County Boards of Supervisors and Agricultural Commissioners from all the affected and interested or concerned counties. In April 2002, the Board approved a multi-year contract which reimbursed the County for SOD regulatory activities performed by Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer staff from March 2002 through June 2002 and in Fiscal Year 2002-03.



This contractual agreement will reimburse the Agricultural Commissioner for costs associated with the SOD pest prevention and regulatory activities from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. County activities will include detection surveys, agricultural quarantine inspections, certification of plant material and the issuance of compliance agreements to affected parties such as nurseries, green waste producers and processors, cut green dealers, firewood dealers, and unprocessed wood product dealers and harvestors. Frequency of inspections, regulatory visits, compliance enforcement and survey work may vary depending on the geographic area, host plant availability and disease risk assessment.

The revenue authorized by this contractual agreement has already been included in the Division's FY 2003-04 Adopted Budget. This contract has been reviewed by County Counsel.


Vision Alignment

The Sudden Oak Death Disease contract with the California Department of Food and Agriculture keeps the commitment of Preserve and Provide People Access to Our Natural Environment and goal number 14: Important natural resources are preserved and enhanced through environmental stewardship. The contract contributes to this commitment and goal by reimbursing the County for pest prevention and regulatory work performed by County staff to reduce the threat of Sudden Oak Death in San Mateo County.


Fiscal Impact

The funding available under this contractual agreement totals $85,000. The contract will reimburse the County for all expenses related to Sudden Oak Death/Oak Mortality Disease Control Regulation activities performed by Division staff during Fiscal Year 2003-04. Contract revenue has been included in the Division's Adopted Budget. There is no net county cost associated with this contract.