Please reply to:

Lisa Aozasa


(650) 363-4852


November 17, 2003


Interested Parties:



File Number PLN 2001-00766



Unincorporated San Mateo County


On November 12, 2003, the San Mateo County Planning Commission considered: (1) a General Plan amendment to update and revise the General Plan Housing Element, which provides data on housing needs and evaluates and revises housing policies and programs for the unincorporated County, consistent with State housing element requirements; and (2) a Zoning Text Amendment to implement a proposed Inclusionary Program to promote the construction of affordable housing in the unincorporated area.


Based on information provided by staff and evidence presented at the hearing the Planning Commissioner recommends that the Board of Supervisors:



Certify the Negative Declaration as complete, correct and adequate and prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and applicable State and County Guidelines.



Approve the General Plan Amendment to adopt an updated and revised General Plan Housing Element with changes to:



Page 75-76 of the staff report. Delete beginning with "It should be noted..." in paragraph 2 of item a, through the end of item a.



Table C, pages 79 through 90, devise a new term to replace "priority" in column 3 and in the notes at the end of the table.



Table C, item 14.25, revise wording in column 5 to reflect the potential benefit to affordable housing of reduced house size limits on substandard lots as well as the potential floor area bonus for units formally committed as affordable housing.

November 17, 2003

Page 2



Approve the Zoning Text Amendment to adopt an Inclusionary Housing Program for the unincorporated area with the following changes:



Change the term for inclusionary units from 55 years to "in perpetuity."



Change the wording of the last paragraph in Section 1 on page 97 to read "...shall be deposited into a County housing fund and shall be expended..."



Add inclusionary requirements for single family subdivisions based on Alternative 2 in staff's November 10, 2003 table summarizing single family inclusionary options but deleting the in-lieu fee option for subdivision of 10-20 or more units with the details of the single family provisions of the ordinance drafted so as to make them conform as closely as possible to the multi-family provisions of the ordinance.


If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact the Project Planner listed above.




Kan Dee Rud

Planning Commission Secretary




Department of Public Works


Building Inspection


Environmental Health






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