Resolution No. _____________

Board of Supervisors, County of San Mateo, State of California

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Resolution Supporting the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in Developing the Transportation 2030 Plan with Balanced Funding for Transit and for the Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Local Arterial and Collector Streets


RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, that


WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission is in the process of developing the Transportation 2030 Plan (T-2030) for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area, which is a comprehensive roadmap to guide the development of mass transit, highway, airport, seaport, bicycle and pedestrian facilities for the years 2005-2030; and


WHEREAS, MTC previously defined the Metropolitan Transportation System (MTS) as a network of what it considered major arterial and collector streets, and subsequently developed funding criteria that allocated a finite amount of funding that could only be used on roads that were identified as being on the MTS; and


WHEREAS, MTC allocated approximately $0.12 for local streets and roads for every $1 that it allocated to transit in discretionary funding in the 2001 Regional Transportation Plan (i.e. $143 million for local streets and roads as compared to $1.182 billion for transit) that is funded through various State and Federal programs; and


WHEREAS, well-maintained arterial and collector streets are vital to all modes of transportation including the private automobile, goods movements, emergency vehicles, transit, bicycles and pedestrians; and


WHEREAS, studies conducted in cooperation with MTC by transit and the road committees determined that there is a combined $15 billion shortfall for transit capital needs and preventive maintenance and rehabilitation needs for local streets and roads (approximately $7.5 billion each); and


WHEREAS, it is anticipated that there will be limited discretionary revenues available in the T-2030 program; and


WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has reported that collectively, city and county engineers and directors of public works believe that discretionary revenue that is projected to be available and which may be allocated for local streets and roads should be allowed to be used on all local arterial and collectors streets and not restricted to the MTS as occurred the 2001 RTP; and


WHEREAS, the County Director of Public Works concurs in the collective opinions of the city and county engineer and directors of public works; and


WHEREAS, this Board has considered the opinion of the Director of Public Works.




The Board supports the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in developing the Transportation 2030 Plan to include:



A balanced and equitable approach to funding transit and local street and road maintenance needs.



The allocation of an enhanced level of regional transportation funds to maintain and rehabilitate local streets and roads including all arterial and collector streets not currently on the Metropolitan Transportation System (MTS).

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