Inter-Departmental Correspondence





September 24, 2004


10:00 a.m.


October 5, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Waiving of Request for Proposal Process, Execution of an Agreement with EIP Associates for Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Highland Estates Project and Authorization of an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) for the Agreement





Adopt a resolution authorizing the waiving of request for proposal process and the execution of an agreement with EIP Associates for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Highland Estates Project.



Adopt a resolution authorizing an appropriation transfer request (ATR) in the amount of $107,064 from unanticipated revenue into Services and Supplies to cover the cost of the contract.




On July 27, 2004, the Board considered a request to execute an agreement with EIP Associates for preparation of an EIR for the Highland Estates Project, which involves a general plan amendment, rezoning, subdivision, and other approvals for a 66-unit residential development near the San Mateo Highlands. After testimony from the applicant’s counsel and representatives from the Highlands Community Association, your Board directed staff to conduct a public scoping meeting during the week of September 5, 2004, and return to your Board with a final scope of work, schedule and cost for approval on October 5, 2004.


The public scoping meeting was conducted on September 9, 2004, in the Highlands. Approximately 260 people attended, including four staff members and four consultant team members. This meeting provided public input on the EIR content. At the conclusion of the meeting, staff was presented with a document prepared by five local community associations. Additional information was also submitted the following week.




EIP Associates has prepared a revised scope of work for the EIR, reflecting the input received at the scoping meeting. Key changes as a result of the scoping session include:

    Project’s consistency with applicable goals, objectives, and policies of the San Mateo County General Plan (including the Housing Element) and Zoning Regulations

    Updated traffic and circulation analysis, including construction traffic impacts and safety concerns for elementary school children

    Ten photomontages are projected to be prepared (ten were prepared for the previous 1998 EIR)

    Geology, Soils, and Seismicity section will address concerns from 15 different categories, including: slope stability, landslides, and mudflows; drainage and erosion; pile driving and construction vibration; springs; and cut heights and fill depths

    Detailed site visits for biological resources

    Additional detailed analysis regarding Hydrology, Water Quality, and Air Quality

    90-day agency/public review period for the Draft EIR

Staff recommends that the County now enter into an agreement with EIP Associates to complete the Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR) and a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) in accordance with the revised scope of work.


EIP Associates has been involved with this project since 1991 and has previously prepared a Draft EIR for this project. They are the most suitable consultants to continue with the preparation of the Revised Draft EIR. They are thoroughly knowledgeable of this project and the issues, and they have good technical expertise to analyze those issues. Thus, it is in the best interest of the County to waive the request for proposal process.


The services to be performed are described in the agreement. Major project tasks include the following:



Development of four project alternatives to be evaluated, including a No Action Alternative and including an alternative proposed by the Highlands Community Association.



Description of the environmental setting and impact evaluation, including evaluation of population and housing, traffic and circulation, public services, utilities, visual quality and community character, energy, cultural resources, public health and safety, geology, soils and seismicity, hydrology and water quality, vegetation and wildlife, air quality and noise.



Delivery of a Revised Draft EIR to be circulated for public review and comment.



Delivery of the Final EIR that includes responses to public comments.



Attendance at key public hearings.


The resolution and agreement have been reviewed by County Counsel.




This agreement with EIP Associates keeps the commitment of redesigning our urban environment to increase vitality, expand variety and reduce congestion and goal number 12: Land use decisions consider transportation and other infrastructure needs as well as impacts on the environment and on surrounding communities. The agreement contributes to this commitment and goal since EIP Associates will be undertaking an Environmental Impact Report for a proposed development scheme to assess the potential impacts on transportation and the environment.




The total obligation under this agreement is $276,616, which is funded by the developer, Chamberlain Group. The developer has already provided $169,552 towards the cost of the contract, which has been included in the Recommended Planning and Building Budget for FY 2004-05. The proposed transfer will set up an appropriation for the balance of the contract amount ($107,064). The term of the agreement is from October 5, 2004 through December 31, 2006. There is no Net County Cost.