Human Services Agency

Office of Housing



October 7, 2004


October 19, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Maureen Borland, Director, Human Services Agency

Steve Cervantes, Director, Office of Housing


Office of Housing Annual Report



Accept the report of the Office of Housing annual report.



Over the last year our staff has been involved with several housing initiatives and housing programs. This report highlights some of the most recent activities.



The mission of the Human Services Agency, Office of Housing, is to assist very low, low and moderate income residents through housing assistance, financing and community development in order to stabilize and improve their quality of life. The Agency provides subsidized housing, low interest loan financing, project funding and technical assistance, primarily through partnerships with non-profit organizations, other public agencies and the private sector. Within the Office of Housing are the Housing Authority, Housing and Community Development and the Center on Homelessness.

The following, highlights annual housing assistance program activities within the Office of Housing:

    A. Housing Authority

    Two new grants were awarded to the Housing Authority this year by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban and Development (HUD) through its Community Planning and Development Department. The Housing Plus Program received $990,738 to provide permanent housing and support services to 20 homeless people with multiple and complex needs. HUD also awarded $121,000 to fund staffing to start a Homeownership Program.

    Congress did not allocate any new funds in 2003 for additional Section 8 Vouchers. Additionally, Congress changed the law to only provide funding for the number of vouchers allocated to the Housing Authority. Prior to this change, the Housing Authority could issue additional vouchers if there were savings in rents to landlords. The decreased funding caused a suspension in the issuance of new vouchers.


    B. Housing and Community Development

    Housing and Community Development, through its Community Development Block Grant and HOME funds, provides for a wide range of activities. In the past year, funds were allocated to 11 housing developments that will provide 348 new affordable housing units when completed. Funding can be available to assist in the development/upgrading of public facilities that serve low-income residents, such as the Martin Luther King Park renovations, which was completed in 2003. The First Time Homebuyers Program assisted 96 families with the purchase of their home.

    Our Housing Rehabilitation Program rehabilitated 29 single-family homes to meet structural health and safety standards, 3 multifamily units and 3 non-profit agencies that provide housing for their clients. This program also supports home modifications for individuals with disabilities and made it possible for 40 renters and 90 homeowners to receive home accommodations.


    C. Center on Homelessness

    Homeless programs were awarded $4,000,000 from the HUD McKinney Funds, which added an additional $999,738 for The Housing Plus Program. This HUD funding provides rental assistance for 20 new permanent units for homeless individuals with complex needs and nine new units of transitional housing for victims of domestic violence.

    We received $1 million dollars to renovate Safe Harbor Homeless Shelter to provide on site treatment offices and remodel the living space for shelter residents in the new year round transitional housing program.

    In addition, these funds serve as operational support for our County’s transitional and permanent homeless programs such as Shelter Network’s First Step for Families, which opened its new facility in June 2004, and The Mental Health Association’s ground breaking
    for the Belmont Apartments, which will house 24 disabled homeless.

    Other accomplishments include the launch of HOPE (Housing Our People Effectively), the San Mateo County Homeless Management Information System.


    D. Other Highlights

    “Linking Housing and Childcare” report presented at the San Mateo County Children Forum and Housing Leadership Day.

    Assisted the Housing Endowment and Trust in securing two millions dollars of matching funds.


Vision Alignment

The Office of Housing Annual Report keeps the commitment of: Offering a full range of housing choices; and goal number 9: Housing exists for people at all income levels and for all generations of families by linking families with housing assistance, available housing and community resources.


Fiscal Impact

These activities are primarily provided with Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development funding including, Housing Authority, CDBG, HOME and ESG, for an annual operating budget of $90 million. However, there is no fiscal impact associated with the acceptance of the Office of Housing Annual Report.