Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Board of Supervisors



March 31, 2004


April 6, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Rose Jacobs Gibson

Rich Gordon



Merger of Board subcommittees on the Housing Element Update and Economic Development



Approve the merger of the Board subcommittees on the Housing Element Update and Economic Development into a new, consolidated committee named the Housing and Economic Development Committee.



Supervisors Jacobs Gibson and Gordon currently serve as co-chairs of the Housing Element Update Committee and the Economic Development Committee. During the past year, it has become apparent through discussions at both committees that the issues surrounding housing and economic development often overlap and are interconnected. Many of the same topics have been addressed at both committee meetings. As an example, the issue of affordable housing has often been raised at the Economic Development Committee meetings. There is general agreement that in order to stimulate economic development in San Mateo County, we must increase affordable housing opportunities to attract businesses. As a result, the Economic Development Committee has discussed ways to increase affordable housing at a county and regional level.


Merging the two committees would be a more efficient use of time and discussion given that most of the members of both committees are the same people. Membership includes representation from the San Mateo County Human Services Agency, Environmental Services Agency and Planning and Building, and C/CAG. By having one Housing and Economic Development Committee, members can address both issues that affect each other with a more strategic, regional approach without duplicating discussion.


Vision Alignment

The merger of the Housing Element Update Committee and the Economic Development Committee will support several of the Visioning goals, such as goal #11 which addresses the need for new housing to be clustered with jobs and commercial services along transportation corridors; goal #22 that calls for County and local governments to effectively communicate, collaborate and develop strategic approaches to issues affecting the entire County; and goal #23 which calls for leaders throughout the County to provide the impetus for broader regional solutions in land use, housing, childcare, education, health and transportation.


Fiscal Impact

There will be no fiscal impact on the County's budget.