Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Health Services Agency



March 18, 2004


April 6, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Margaret Taylor, Director of Health Services

Brian Zamora, Director, Public Health and Environmental Protection


Grant Agreement with Peninsula Community Foundation



Adopt a Resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute a grant agreement with Peninsula Community Foundation.



The explosion of knowledge about how infants and toddlers develop has led to a new appreciation of ways in which a baby's earliest experiences set the stage for later emotional competence and achievement. With the support of the Board of Supervisors and private funders like Peninsula Community Foundation, the Prenatal to Three Initiative (Pre-3) has grown into a nationally recognized early intervention program. In 2002, Pre-3 was highlighted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality as part of their workshop, "Improving Early Childhood Development: Promising Strategies for States and the Health Care System". In November 2003, the American Journal of Public Health published a Public Health Brief on the positive impact that Pre-3 has had on rates of well baby visits and immunization in San Mateo County. In addition, the journals Community Mental Health and Zero to Three published articles about the mental health component of Pre-3 during 2003.


Since Pre-3 started in 1996, the Board of Supervisors has accepted yearly grants from Peninsula Community Foundation that have generously supported general operating costs. The current grant extends the funding an eighth year.



Pre-3 provides multi-disciplinary home visiting, parenting classes and parent support groups to families on Medi-Cal with children up to age five years. Families facing high-risk situations, such as mental illness or substance abuse, are offered more intensive and longer-term services than families who are coping well with obstacles that they face in their lives. Pre-3 also offers regular training on health and early child development issues to health and child care providers working in San Mateo County.


This grant supports general operations of Pre-3. Anticipated project outcomes include sustaining and strengthening the Pre-3 program, with special focus on: 1) strengthening the linkage between Pre-3 and the San Mateo Medical Center; 2) increasing awareness of the "Raising a Reader" program to promote increased participation among staff; and 3) improving the Pre-3 database.

Performance Measures

FY 2001-02 Actual

FY 2002-03 Actual*

FY 2003-04 Estimated


Number of referrals to Pre-3




Number of home visits




*reduction in numbers due to budget cuts in FY 2002-03


Vision Alignment

The grant from Peninsula Community Foundation keeps the commitment of ensuring basic health and safety for all and goals number 5: "Residents have access to healthcare and preventative care" and 6: "Children grow up healthy in safe and supportive homes and neighborhoods." The grant from Peninsula Community Foundation contributes to this commitment and goal by providing funding to sustain and strengthen the Pre-3 program.


Fiscal Impact

The grant of $150,000 is to be used during the period from February 1, 2004 through January 31, 2005. $63,000 has been included in the FY 2003-04 budget; the remaining $87,000 will be included in the recommended FY 2004-05 budget. This grant funding is a part of the local match that allows Pre-3 to leverage federal Medi-Cal dollars from the Targeted Case Management program. There is no net County cost.