Inter-Departmental Correspondence





July 12, 2004



10:45 a.m.



July 27, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of an application for a Coastal Development Permit, a Resource Management-Coastal Zone Permit and Stable Permit to allow legalization of a 3-horse stable, tractor shed, agricultural barn, replacement of one 8,000-gallon water tank with two 5,000-gallon water tanks, a mobile home as an affordable housing unit, 126 sq. ft. storage shed adjacent to the stable and an approximately 720 sq. ft. top-story enclosure to the existing main residence. The project is located at 1589 Higgins Canyon Road in the unincorporated Half Moon Bay area of San Mateo County. This project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission.




Approve a Coastal Development Permit, a Resource Management-Coastal Zone Permit and Stable Permit to allow legalization of a 3-horse stable, tractor shed, agricultural barn, replacement of one 8,000-gallon water tank with two 5,000-gallon water tanks, a mobile home as an affordable housing unit, 126 sq. ft. storage shed adjacent to the stable and an approximately 720 sq. ft. top-story enclosure to the existing main residence, by making the required findings and adopting the conditions of approval.




The project involves legalization of a 3-horse stable, a tractor shed, an agricultural barn, replacement of one 8,000-gallon water tank with two 5,000-gallon water tanks, designation of a mobile home as an affordable housing unit, 126 sq. ft. storage shed adjacent to the stable and an approximately 720 sq. ft. top-story enclosure to the existing main residence.




Previous to the Board actions, on November 14, 2001, the Planning Commission considered the project at one public hearing and unanimously approved the project, with conditions of approval.


Your Board considered the subject applications, on appeal, during numerous public hearings during the first six months of 2002. This item was continued a number of times to allow staff time for site investigation, payment of application fees by the applicant, final list of items to be legalized, and to provide your Board with a final list of recommended conditions of approval. However, on July 23, 2002, your Board denied the permit applications, based on the failure to pay fees and to comply with the well and septic requirements for the affordable housing unit.


On October 7, 2002, the applicant filed a legal action in the State Court system. This case was settled, wherein the applicant was required to comply with a number of actions and in turn, your Board would approve the subject applications after the fees were paid.




Staff has determined that the project complies, as conditioned, with all applicable General Plan and Local Coastal Program Policies, Zoning Regulations, and County Ordinance Codes. In addition, the project provides one additional living unit as affordable housing for the South Coast area. Staff is recommending a condition of approval requiring the applicant enter into an agreement with the Board of Supervisors executing income and rent controls for this unit.