Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Environmental Services Agency
Department of Public Works



August 16, 2004


August 31, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services
Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works



Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the San Carlos Airport Master Plan Update/Airport Modernization Project



Approval of the List of San Carlos Airport Modernization Projects



Adopt a resolution:



certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the San Carlos Airport Master Plan Update/Airport Modernization Project (Plan) as complete, correct, adequate and prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act; and



approving the list of San Carlos Airport Modernization Project Proposed Improvements (Project List).


Previous Board Action


Adopted Resolution No. 61062 in May of 1997 accepting the Draft Plan and selecting Development Alternative “C” which included a 400-foot runway extension, pending completion of the environmental review process.



Adopted Resolution No. 62689 in April of 1999:



revising the preferred Development Alternative “C” for the Draft Plan by replacing the 400-foot runway extension with 300-foot stopways at each end of the runway; and



directing the Director of the Environmental Management Services Agency to administer the preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR) pursuant the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed Plan using the revised Development Alternative “C”.



Held a public hearing to consider any and all comments on the Draft EIR.


Key Facts


An airport master plan needs to be updated periodically pursuant to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements in order that airport related projects can be eligible for FAA improvement and planning grants.



The Plan complies with FAA guidelines and provides a general guide for proposed airport improvements (primarily safety enhancements, maintenance and modernization type projects) through the year 2015. The projects are contained in the Project List are the same as the revised Development Alternative “C”.



An EIR was prepared in accordance with CEQA guidelines which determined that the projects in the proposed Plan “would not have a significant adverse environmental impact on the environment, including sensitive environmental resources such as noise, air quality, transportation and traffic, aesthetics, hydrology and water quality, geology and soils, cultural resources, biology, hazards and hazardous materials, land use, minerals, population and housing, recreation utilities and service systems, and agriculture.”



Your Board, as the governing board of the lead agency for the EIR, is required to certify that the Final EIR is complete, correct, and adequate and prepared in accordance with CEQA prior to approving the Plan the projects in this plan.



Contracts for the proposed improvements included in the Plan and Project List are subject to your Board’s approval and will not be recommended until there is a demonstrated need for the project(s), applicable permits are obtained and funding becomes available to finance the specific work.



The process of updating the San Carlos Airport Master Plan was initiated in 1995, and included the participation and input of a Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), which was comprised of representatives of the neighboring communities, airport user groups, local planning departments and regional, state and federal transportation agencies and a member of the Board of Supervisors. Workshops were held to receive public input on the Plan and PAC meetings were open to the public.


The objectives of the Plan were defined which included inventorying existing conditions, forecasting aviation activities, identification of facility requirements, development of airside and landside design alternatives and refinement of the final development concepts. The focus of the Plan through the public input process primarily concentrated on improving safety and preserving or modernizing existing facilities.


Proposed Improvements

Projects included in the Plan and the Project List consist of safety, maintenance and modernization improvements to address the airport’s safety, reliability and service needs though the year 2015. The improvements are summarized below with a description of each improvement provided in Exhibit 1 and shown on Exhibit 1A:


Safety Improvements:



Construction of two 300-foot stopways, 75 feet in width at each end of the existing 2,600 foot runway



Replacement of existing runway Visual Approach Slope Indicators (VASI-2) with Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI-2)



Installation of an Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS)


Modernization and Upgrade Improvements



Hangar and shade shelter development on existing aircraft tiedown and parking areas



Increased aviation fuel storage by 10,000 gallons



Terminal Building expansion


Maintenance Improvements



Pavement preservation of the runway, taxiway and aircraft aprons


Environmental Documentation

An Initial Study was prepared in 1998 for the Plan in accordance with CEQA. The study examined the potential environmental consequences of the then recommended plan, which included a 400-foot runway extension to improve aircraft safety during takeoff and landing.


Members of the surrounding communities expressed disagreement with the Initial Study’s findings as they alleged that extending the runway would allow larger and therefore noisier aircraft to use San Carlos Airport. However, the allegation that larger and noisier aircraft would be allowed to use the airport with the runway extension failed to consider that:



existing airport facilities are not designed to support heavier aircraft, and



an administrative aircraft weight limit established by your Board restricting heavier aircraft was and is in effect.


Staff met with the FAA to discuss alternatives to the 400-foot runway extension that would both address the safety concerns expressed by pilots using the airfield, and at the same time allay the noise concerns of the surrounding communities. The proposed revised alternative replaced the runway extension with 300-foot stopways at each end of the runway. Stopways can be used only during emergency situations such as an aborted takeoff, engine problems, brake failure or other difficulties requiring additional distance to stop. The stopways will not be lighted, will not have entry or exit taxiways, and will be marked as required by the FAA to indicate that they are not to be used during normal takeoffs or landings. Pilots using the stopways during routine operations would be subject to FAA investigation and possible sanctions.


Your Board approved the 300-foot stopways as an alternative to the runway extension and directed the Director of the Environmental Services Agency to proceed with the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report on the revised Plan.


The FAA concurrently authorized the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines, even though the projects contained in the Plan and in the Project List qualified for categorical exclusion (i.e., exemption under NEPA guidelines).


An EIR and EA were then prepared independently and separately, and both concluded while noise may increase based on forecasted increases in aircraft operations that reflect an industry-wide increased demand for general aviation, that there are no noise impacts associated with the Plan itself as the projects in the Plan and on the Project List do not stimulate or accommodate the projected increase in use. A summary of the EIR content and review process is attached (see Exhibit 2).


The FAA is the lead agency for the EA, which was prepared pursuant NEPA guidelines since the Plan is a federal requirement. The FAA has completed their review of the Final EA and has issued a Finding of No Significant Impacts and Record of Decision (FONSI/ROD) for the project. There is no further action to be taken by your Board on the EA pursuant to the NEPA guidelines.


Vision Alignment

We believe our recommendation is consistent with the Shared Commitment to “ensure basic health and safety for all” and Goal 7, to “maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors,” as the improvements included in the Plan will enhance safety for the benefit of airport users; and the Shared Commitment to be a “responsive, effective and collaborative government” and Goal Number 20, “government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain,” as the Plan and its environmental documentation were developed through an extensive public process.


Fiscal Impact

There is no immediate impact to the Airport Enterprise Fund by accepting the EIR and approving the project list. However, we believe there will be a long-term positive impact as having an updated Master Plan will help ensure continued FAA grant funding to finance safety, maintenance and modernization type projects that are on the Project List. FAA grants can finance up to 95% of grant eligible projects.


There is no impact to the General Fund.


The Final EIR document has been distributed to all public agencies and interested parties who commented on the Draft EIR, along with notice of the August 31st meeting.


A form of resolution has been approved by County Counsel.