Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Probation Department



August 15, 2004


August 31, 2004



Honorable Board of Supervisors


Loren Buddress, Chief Probation Officer


Temporary Assistance to Needy Families




Approve the Continuation of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Expenditure Plan through December 31, 2004, and



Adopt a resolution authorizing the Controller to continue payments in the amounts indicated on the Continued TANF Expenditure Plan through December 31, 2004.



The Comprehensive Youth Services Act (CYSA) of 1997, also known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), is a capped block grant allocated to counties as a means of funding juvenile prevention services. TANF funds can only be accessed by claims from Probation Departments. Our Probation Department submits claims in accordance with the criteria set forth in the legislation for services provided by Probation and in collaboration with contracted private non-profit providers.


The TANF Planning Council, comprised of representatives from: 1) various county departments, including health, mental health, probation, child protective services, and education; 2) local school districts; 3) city and county law enforcement agencies; 4) community-based organizations that serve at-risk youth; 5) at least one at-risk youth; and 6) parents or family embers of at-risk youth, meets with and advises the Chief Probation Officer in the development of the proposed TANF expenditure plan for funds provided under the CYSA.


In June 2001, your Board approved the Expenditure Plan for Probation TANF funds for Fiscal Years 2001-02 through 2003-04 and adopted a resolution authorizing the Chief Probation Officer to direct, and the County Manager to execute, amendments to the original TANF agreements in the amounts indicated on the 2001-02 through 2003-04 TANF Expenditure Plan.



The TANF allocation for San Mateo County has been $3,201,175 per fiscal year since FY 1998-99. The Governor’s January FY 04-05 Recommended Budget eliminated funds for TANF after October 31, 2004. His May revised budget still eliminated the TANF funds. After extensive lobbying efforts by the Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) and other state-wide organizations including the Police Chiefs Association, the Sheriff’s Association, the District Attorney’s Association, the Private Defender’s Association, and others, the Governor signed the state budget after the Legislature restored TANF funding at the same levels as FY 2003-04.


This request is to ensure that funds can be distributed for six months (July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004) to TANF providers at the 2003-04 rates while the TANF Planning Council develops and issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) for new services to begin January 1, 2005.


Expenditure Plan and Resolution: The Continued TANF Expenditure Plan reflects a six-month continuation of all county programs and community-based organization contracts at the same levels as 2003-04. The resolution authorizes the Controller to continue payments through December 31, 2004 also at the same levels as 2003-04.


Direct Youth Services Agreements: The TANF Planning Council has recommended that the Probation Department, in coordination with the TANF programs evaluator, Community Crime Prevention Associates (CCPA), prepare and issue a Request for Proposals during the six-month extension.



San Mateo County’s portion of the State TANF Allocation for the period July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, $1,600,588, is reflected in the Probation Department’s FY 2004-05 Recommended Budget. There is no impact to the Net County Cost.