Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works


January 20, 2005


February 8, 2005


Notice Published Pursuant to Board Action on January 4, 2005




Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Exchange of Property - Winslow Street/County Government Center - Redwood City Area



Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an agreement with the City of Redwood City (City) that provides for the exchange of property with the City in conjunction with the realignment of Winslow Street near the Government Center motor pool.


Vision Alignment

Commitment: responsive, effective and collaborative government.

Goal 20: government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impacts rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.


The proposed agreement will clarify the property holdings in this area.




Previous Board Action


Entered into a cost sharing agreement with the City in 1995, which provided for the realignment of Winslow Street and expanded the parking area near the Government Center motor pool.



Acquired the property on the corner of Fuller and Winslow Streets in conjunction with the realignment of Winslow Street.



Adopted a resolution on January 4, 2005, authorizing the Clerk of the Board to publish a notice of your intent to enter into an agreement to exchange property as described in the Recommendation portion of this report.



The City and the County cooperated in the reconstruction of Winslow Street in 1995 in order to realign the road to improve traffic safety. The realignment also provided additional area for parking at the Government Center since the realignment moved the road in a westerly direction away from the existing Government Center property line.


The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) contacted both the City and the County as they have a high-pressure gas main that follows the street's pre-existing alignment, and PG&E wants to insure that they continue to have rights to the area for their gas main.



Section 25365 of the Government Code provides that a board of supervisors may exchange property with a city on the terms and conditions that the board of supervisors may, by a 4/5ths vote, approve and after publishing a notice of its intended action at least one week prior to taking an action to exchange said property. The required notice has been published.


A form of agreement has been prepared which accomplishes the property transfers and creates the easement which are shown on the attached map (Exhibit “1”). Both the agreement and a resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel and Redwood City has authorized execution of the agreement.


Fiscal Impact

There is no direct fiscal impact as there is no exchange of funds associated with exchanging properties or establishing the easement. The County’s staff time costs will be covered by the administrative overhead account in Public Works and Real Property. The City and PG&E will cover their own staff costs.


There is no impact to the General Fund.


Future Property Related Actions

The Real Property Division will be recommending that your Board approve of the sale of an uneconomical remnant of the piece of property at the intersection of Fuller and Winslow Streets that was acquired for the realignment of Winslow Street. This property remnant is not needed for road purposes and the recommendation will be the subject of a separate staff report.