Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



April 19, 2005


May 3, 2005







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Continuation of Ordinance Prohibiting Certain Traffic Movements in the University Park Subdivision Area near the Sand Hill Road Corridor - West Menlo Park Area



Adopt a resolution extending Sections 7.06.010 thru Section 7.06.040, and Section 7.08.090 of the Ordinance Code for one year, in order to continue to restrict traffic movements in the University Park area until the improvements to the Sand Hill/Santa Cruz Avenue area are completed by Stanford.


Vision Alignment

Commitment: Ensure the basic health and safety for all.

Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors.


Extending the provisions of the above referenced Ordinance Code sections will require motorists to use the arterial roads for their travel and reduce the traffic on residential streets.



Previous Board Action

Adopted an ordinance adding the above referenced Ordinance Code sections which prohibit certain turning movements into the University Park area from Santa Cruz Avenue or Sand Hill Road, and restricts traffic on a portion of Vine Street in the University Park area during certain times of the day, to encourage motorists to use Santa Cruz Avenue and Sand Hill Road while Stanford is constructing improvements generally in the vicinity of the Sand Hill Road/Santa Cruz Avenue intersection (Intersection).



The Ordinance Code sections were adopted by your Board as the residents in the University Park area were concerned with the increase in cut through traffic due to traffic delays at the Intersection while Stanford is making road improvements in the area.


The Ordinance creating the above referenced code sections provided that the sections would “sunset” in one year unless continued by your Board.


Stanford’s construction has not yet been completed.



We are proposing that your Board extend the Ordinance Code sections until May, 2006. Stanford estimates that its construction will be completed by the end of 2005, and the additional time will allow traffic to “stabilize” along this corridor and through the Intersection. We can then evaluate if there are traffic delays at the Intersection that justifies the traffic restrictions remaining or if they can be eliminated.


A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel and a copy of our staff report has been sent to the representatives of the University Park area.


Fiscal Impact

There is no cost to the General Fund or other funds of the County by extending the Ordinance Code sections. The staff costs associated with evaluating the traffic at the Intersection will be financed by the Road Fund and is an ongoing cost associated with continually evaluating traffic conditions on the County maintained road system.