Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



April 18, 2005


May 3, 2005







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works


Crystal Springs Dam Bridge-Program Supplement for Federal Aid Project 04-5935 (Project BROS-0081(011)



Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to apply for additional federal funds through a Program Supplement with the California Department of Transportation, to help finance preliminary engineering and studies associated with constructing a replacement bridge on Crystal Springs Dam.


Vision Alignment

Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.

Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors.


The proposed authorization will allow the Director of Public Works to apply for additional federal funding to reimburse the County Road Fund for previous expenses incurred in developing plans and conducting required environmental and habitat studies associated with constructing a replacement bridge on Crystal Springs Dam.



Previous Board Action


Authorized various agreements since 1987, which authorized studies associated with the design of a replacement bridge on Crystal Springs Dam.



Restricted the useable width and reduced both the allowable loads and speed limit on the existing bridge due to the deteriorating condition of the exterior bridge girders.



Adopted a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute program supplements for federal or state funding that is administered by the California Department of Transportation

The Department has been working with the San Francisco Water Department (SFWD) since 1987 to develop a plan to replace the existing Crystal Springs Dam Bridge that would be compatible with SFWD’s long term plan to raise the parapet wall on the dam to increase both storage capacity and downstream flood control protection.


We were required to do additional environmental and habitat studies as it was determined that an endangered species, the California red-legged frog, uses the top of dam pond under the existing bridge as a propagation pond, and the pond could be impacted by the proposed bridge construction.



The project is currently suspended as the permit conditions set by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS) relative to the red-legged frog, require the County to construct and maintain into perpetuity, a replacement pond on SFWD’s property. SFWD is currently not in favor of the pond and we believe that the conditions are an open-ended commitment of County funds.



Caltrans is currently considering our request that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) contact USFWS pursuant to the Section 7 consultation provisions of the Endangered Species Act, to request that USFWS reconsider their permit conditions.



The proposed authorization will allow us to seek partial reimbursement from the FHWA through Caltrans, for costs associated with previous design, environmental and habitat studies.


We will return to your Board with recommendations to submit additional requests for reimbursement and to reconstruct the bridge if:



USFWS reconsiders its requirements and specifies conditions that are both physically and financially acceptable to the County;



USFWS conditions are acceptable to the SFWD, and SFWD agrees that our proposed plan is compatible with their future proposed plans for the dam; and



funds are available through a federal or state program to help finance the cost of replacing this bridge structure.


A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.


Fiscal Impact

The proposed agreement allows up to $1,375,000 in preliminary engineering costs based on a maximum of $1,100,000 (80%) in federal funds and $275,000 (20%) in local matching funds. The County has spent approximately $1,000,000 to date on this project and has previously been reimbursed $128,000 by the federal grant for engineering work. We anticipate that we will receive $672,000 in reimbursements for work previously done with an additional maximum of $300,000 available for future design work if conditions as discussed previously are met and the project moves forward. The following is a summary of the estimated costs and reimbursements:





Total Engineering to Date



Local Share (20%)



Federal Share (80%)




Reimbursed to Date




Additional Reimbursements Based on Previous Expenses




Additional Possible Design Costs



Federal Share (80%)



Addition Local Costs (20%)



There is no impact to the General fund.