Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Health Department



July 25, 2005


August 16, 2005







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Charlene A. Silva, Director, Health Department
Lisa Mancini, Director, Aging and Adult Services



Agreement No. HI-0506-08 with the California Department of Aging



Adopt a resolution authorizing:


The execution of Agreement No. HI-0506-08 with the California Department of Aging for the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 in the amount of $183,305; and


The Director of the Health Department to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications not to exceed $25,000



Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all

Goal 8: Help vulnerable people—the aged, disabled, mentally ill, at-risk youth and others—achieve a better quality of life.


Funds for HICAP contribute to this commitment and goal by providing clients with objective counseling, advocacy and assistance. The Performance Measure below shows the percent of stakeholder survey respondents indicating they have benefited from services provided through Aging and Adult Services, which includes HICAP.


Performance Measure(s):


FY 2004-05

FY 2005-06

Their personal life has improved as a result of the services they received



They gained useful knowledge through the presentation, trainings, conferences and resources provided by Aging and Adult Services





Every four years, the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is required to submit a Planning and Service Area Plan for aging services to the California Department of Aging (CDA). The state also requires that counties submit annual updates identifying revised goals and objectives for the coming fiscal year in order to claim the allotted Older Americans Act (OAA) and HICAP funds, which are determined through a statewide funding formula. The Area Plan provides a profile of the County’s senior population, identifies activities to improve and expand existing services as well as to develop new programs designed to address current countywide needs, and recommends services to be funded with San Mateo County’s OAA and HICAP allocation.


On July 12, 2005, your Board approved the Strategic Plan for Services for Older Persons and Adults with Disabilities for 2005-09. This plan, together with the annual budget, fulfills CDA’s requirements and generates contracts from CDA for funding of various OAA and other state-funded grant programs including HICAP.



Aging and Adult Services (AAS) contracts with a community-based organization to provide HICAP, a volunteer-supported program that provides clients with information and assistance related to Medicare and other health care coverage issues. Medicare beneficiaries and those under 65 who are about to become eligible for Medicare or who are disabled and on Medicare are eligible for HICAP services. HICAP provides three basic services: community education, lay counseling and advocacy related to Medicare. HICAP is an integral component of California’s community-based long-term care system. Locally, the program is designed to carry out goals and objectives of the Area Plan related to advocacy and health care. In 2005-06 the services provided by HICAP will also address the community’s needs related to issues such as Medicare Part D, the new Prescription Drug Benefit that will take effect January 1, 2006. This change in prescription drug coverage will impact all Medicare beneficiaries who are also on Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income or one of the Medicare Savings Programs. The HICAP grant includes funding that may be used to increase staff to meet the need for additional counseling and community education during the transition period.


County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Resolution and Agreement as to form.



The term of this agreement is July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. Execution of this agreement with CDA allows the County to claim funding for HICAP for FY 2005-2006. The total grant amount of $183,305 for HICAP consists of $121,175 in Federal funds and $62,130 in State funds. In addition, the service provider participating in this program provides its own funds, thereby expanding the funding for HICAP available in San Mateo County. Revenues and expenses related to this agreement are included in Aging and Adult Services’ budget for 2005-06. There is no impact on the County General Fund as a result of this action.