Inter-Departmental Correspondence





February 13, 2006


March 7, 2006


500’ Notice





Honorable Board of Supervisors



Marcia Raines, Director of Environmental Services



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of (1) a General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Program Amendment, Rezoning, Use Permit Amendment, Off-Street Parking Exception, Coastside Design Review and Coastal Development Permit; and (2) certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, to allow an addition to the Miramar Beach Restaurant and to allow the creation of tandem parking spaces in the existing parking lot and construction of a new parking lot, and to rezone the three parcels to be used for the proposed parking areas from Single-Family Residential/Design Review (R-1/S-94/DR) to Parking (P/DR) and, to change the General Plan Designation of these parcels from Medium-Low Density Residential to General Commercial (Coastside), located at 131 Mirada Road, in the unincorporated Miramar area of San Mateo County.




Approve, subject to certification by the California Coastal Commission, by resolution, the General Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment, changing the General Plan Land Use designation of the specified parcels from “Medium-Low Density Residential” to “General Commercial”.


Approve, subject to certification by the California Coastal Commission, by ordinance, the Zoning Map amendment, changing the zoning designation of the specified parcels from “Single-Family Residential/10,000 sq. ft. Minimum Parcel Size/Design Review” (R 1/S 94/DR) to “Parking/Design Review” (P/DR).


Approve, subject to certification by the California Coastal Commission of the aforementioned ordinance and resolutions, the Use Permit Amendment, Design Review, Off-Street Parking Exception and Coastal Development Permit, to construct an unroofed patio addition onto the existing restaurant, and the addition of both tandem and standard parking spaces required for the expanded restaurant.


Certify the Negative Declaration.



Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.


Goal: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain. The project has undergone full environmental review and has been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The project addresses the need for visitor-serving facilities on the Coast and enhances the economic vitality of the Midcoast area.



Proposal: The proposed project involves a 2,267 sq. ft. uncovered, outdoor dining area addition, for 130 seats, to the Miramar Beach Restaurant. The addition requires issuance of a Use Permit Amendment, Coastal Development Permit, Design Review and Off-Street Parking Exception for the restaurant expansion and the creation of tandem parking spaces in the existing parking lot and conversion of an adjacent vacant parcel to a parking lot, for a total of 87 parking spaces to accommodate, after the addition, a maximum of 249 diners. Current seating is for 137.


The Rezoning, General Plan and Local Coastal Program amendments are required because the parcels on which the existing and proposed parking areas are located are currently zoned for residential uses. In order to accommodate the expanded parking use, these parcels must be rezoned to “Parking” and the General Plan designation of these parcels would be changed to “General Commercial (Coastside),” which allows parking associated with commercial use.


Planning Commission Action: On December 22, 2005, the Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve all project elements pending certification of the zoning and general plan amendments by the California Coastal Commission. The Planning Commission’s decision included a reduction of the maximum allowable number of restaurant seats from 267 to 249.



The restaurant has operated via a Use Permit since 1966, with subsequent amendments since then for minor additions. Staff has reviewed and found the proposed expansion project to be in conformance will all applicable County LCP Policies and Zoning Regulations. Additionally, the project is supported by applicable agencies and the Midcoast Community Council. Staff has also completed an Initial Study and published a Mitigated Negative Declaration, determining that the project will not precipitate any adverse impacts to the environment if mitigated as recommended.



Upon completion, due to the enlargement, the assessed tax revenue on the project parcel would increase.