Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
May 8, 2006
May 23, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works
Pedestrian Signal Upgrade Project at Various Locations - County Wide (Project No. RU203, F-358 [10D])
Adopt a resolution awarding and authorizing execution of a contract for the above referenced project.
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety of all.
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors.
This project will upgrade pedestrian signals for the benefit of the public.
Previous Board Action
Adopted Resolution Number 067859 on March 14, 2006, adopting plans and specifications, determining prevailing wage scales, and calling for sealed proposals for the above referenced project.
C/CAG administers the allocation of TDA Funds that are made available through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and which can only be used to finance bicycle or pedestrian related projects. C/CAG has informed us that the County has qualified for $80,509 in TDA funds to finance the pedestrian signal upgrades.
On April 4, 2006, bids were accepted for this project and subsequently referred to this office for checking and recommendation.
The bids have been checked and the bid of:
Republic Electric
371 Bel Marin Keys Boulevard, #200
Novato, CA 94949-5662
at $67,850 was the lowest bid received. The Engineer's estimate was $90,000. A summary of the bids received is as follows:
Republic Electric (Contractor)
$ 67,850
W. Bradley Electric
$ 84,425
Tennyson Electric
We have reviewed the contract documents and have determined that the Equal Employment (Affirmative Action) program submitted by the Contractor is in accordance with the current Equal Employment Guidelines. We have also determined that the Contractor complies with the equal benefits and jury duty pay provisions of the County Ordinance Code.
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.
Fiscal Impact
We are recommending that the contingency be set at $26,650 ($18,000 for planned additional signal work and $8,610 for possible unforeseen work) in order to take full advantage of the
TDA grant. The contingency can then be used to install count down signals on the remaining four (4) County maintained signal installations in the unincorporated area. The Contractor has agreed to do this work at the bid unit prices and work will only be authorized after a contract change order is executed.
The total estimated cost of this project is $94,500, which includes the original low bid ($67,850), approximately $18,000 in additional work to upgrade the remaining four (4) signal systems as described above and originally not included in the proposed work, and approximately a ten percent (10%) contingency ($8,650) for any other additional unforeseen work that may be required to complete the project.
The total estimated cost of this project is as follows:
Contract Bid (12 Intersections)
Additional work (4 Intersections)
Subtotal Estimated Cost
Ten Percent (10%) Contingency
$ 8,650
Total Estimated Cost
The project is proposed to be financed as follows:
State Fund (TDA Program)
Road Fund (County Fund)
Total Estimated Cost
Sufficient Road Funds have been appropriated to finance the project as TDA funds are received on a reimbursable basis. The Road Fund will be reimbursed once the project is complete.
There is no impact to the General Fund.