Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
May 2, 2006
May 23, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works
Installation of Additional Streetlights on Valley View Court in the Enchanted Hills Lighting Maintenance District – San Mateo Area
Acting as the governing board of the Enchanted Hills Lighting Maintenance District (District), determine if it is just and equitable and in the public interest to have the cost of installing and maintaining two (2) additional streetlights, proposed to be installed on Valley View Court within the District’s boundary, charged against the District.
If your Board determines that it is just and equitable and it is in the public interest, then adopt a resolution authorizing the installation of the two streetlights.
Staff Recommendation
We do not believe there is sufficient evidence for your Board to make the necessary findings as:
the density of streetlights would be approximately double the density of lights in other areas of the District (i.e. approximately one light per 150 feet of road vs. one light per 300 feet of road); and
we have received letters from property owners objecting to the additional streetlights.
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Responsive effective and collaborative governments.
Goal 7: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.
The petitioners’ request for additional lights should be balanced with the adjacent property owners' concerns that the lights will create additional light pollution in their homes, and with the fact that the lights will consume additional energy.
Previous Board Action
Adopted a policy directing the Department to notify property owners that are within
300 feet of the location of a proposed streetlight, of your Board’s consideration of a proposed streetlight.
There are three (3) existing streetlights on Valley View Court with the spacing of approximately 300 feet, which is the typical spacing in the District.
Section 5843.5 of the State of California Streets and Highways Code provides that the Governing Board of a lighting district may consider the installation of the additional streetlights if a petition signed by 20 or more tax payers in the district is filed with the district’s governing body.
A petition signed by twenty-three (23) taxpayers requesting the installation of
two additional streetlights on Valley View Court has been received. We notified property owners within 300 feet of where the lights are proposed, that your Board would be considering installation of these lights.
The two requested additional lights are proposed to be installed on the existing Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) poles near 48 and 64 Valley View Court, as shown on Exhibit “A”. The additional lights would provide more light on this cul de sac than is provided on other streets within the District, due to the closer spacing of lights that would result if the two additional lights are installed (150 foot spacing vs. 300 foot spacing as described above).
We received written comments from two (2) property owners who oppose the installation of additional streetlights. Both owners live near the proposed lights and believe the lights are not warranted as a light is currently in place to light the intersection of the cul de sac, the additional lights will change the character of their street in relation to other streets within the District, and will create light pollution in their homes. The location of the property where the owners objected to the installation of the lights is shown on Exhibit “B”.
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel if your Board determines that the lights should be installed.
Fiscal Impact
The installation of two (2) luminaries will cost approximately $1,000 (i.e. $500 each). The energy cost for two (2) lights based on PG&E’s current LS-2A rate schedule is $3.12 per month per fixture. Funds are available in the District to pay for the initial cost of installation and future energy and maintenance costs for these lights.
We do not believe the addition of two lights will have a significant effect on the District’s finances as they represent 6.3% of the total lighting fixtures in the District.
There is no impact to the General Fund.