Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Environmental Services Agency

Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer Division



May 18, 2006


June 6, 2006







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Marcia Raines, Environmental Services Agency Director

Gail Raabe, Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer


Approval of an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the Amount of $109,000 in Unanticipated Revenue from Device Registration Fees and State Aid to Provide Funding for Motor Vehicle Replacement Charges.



Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request in the amount of $109,000 in unanticipated revenue from Device Registration Fees and State Aid to provide funding for motor vehicle replacement charges.



Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government

Goal 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain


This ATR contributes to the commitment and goal by utilizing unanticipated revenue to ensure that funds are available to replace Division motor vehicles on the schedule recommended by the County Motor Vehicle Department.



Device registration fees are utilized by county Weights and Measures agencies to fund consumer protection regulatory programs that involve the testing and inspection of commercially-used weighing and measuring devices. In December, 2005, the Board approved an annual device registration fee increase which was effective in January 2006. The Division budgeted $121,000 in Account 1273 Device Registration Fees for FY 2005-06 and has deposited $197,988 to date due to the fee increase.


The annual state unclaimed gas tax subvention is disbursed by California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). This subvention is apportioned among County Agricultural Commissioners based on the Net County Cost for agricultural programs in the previous fiscal year. Each dollar in NCC expenditures will result in a corresponding state unclaimed gas tax subvention for the following fiscal year. The Division includes an estimate of the unclaimed gas tax subvention in the total revenue budgeted in Account 1771, State Aid-Agriculture. This year’s subvention came in at $460,000 which is $65,000 more than the Division had projected. Expenditure of this additional revenue in the current fiscal year on agricultural vehicle replacement costs will help maintain the level of gas tax subvention for next year.



With the approval of this ATR, the Division proposes to fund motor vehicle replacement charges for the assigned county vehicles that the Division has been unable to fund in recent years. Due to budget constraints, annual vehicle replacement charge payments to Motor Pool were discontinued for the past two years. The Division’s County fleet is aging, with a number of vehicles over or approaching the recommended replacement interval of seven years. These vehicles are integral to the Division’s ability to perform mandated field inspections, meet contractual obligations and provide services to industry. The $109,000 appropriated to Account 6734 will cover a portion of the previously unpaid annual replacement costs for five device inspection trucks ($64,000), and a portion of the replacement costs for fourteen cars and trucks used for agricultural program services ($45,000).



The total amount of the unanticipated revenue to be recognized and appropriated is $109,000. This revenue has already been received by the Division and deposited in Accounts 35230/1273 Consumer Protection/Device Registration Fees and 35220/1771 Environmental Protection, State Aid-Agriculture. The proposed expenditure for motor vehicle replacement charges is offset by the unanticipated revenue. There is no Net County Cost associated with this ATR.