Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Housing



June 9, 2006


June 20, 2006


30-Day Notice, Public Hearing





Honorable Board of Supervisors


Duane Bay, Director, Department of Housing


Executive Summary for Relocation Plan and Conversion Impact Report and Relocation Guidelines for the Meadowbrook Mobile Home Park, Site of Colma Transit Village Apartments Development




Conduct a public hearing; and



Adopt a Resolution:



Adopting Relocation Guidelines and Approving a Relocation Plan, including a Relocation Appeals and Grievance Process, for implementation by Bridge Regional Partners, for the Colma Transit Village Apartments Development; and



Finding that the Conversion Impact Report for the Meadowbrook Mobile Home Park is Sufficient



BRIDGE Housing Corporation, through its affiliate nonprofit, BRIDGE Regional Partners, is proposing to develop 128 units of family housing on property adjacent to the Colma BART Station. Currently the site is occupied by the Meadowbrook Mobile Home Park, an aging facility with 42 recreational vehicles and mobile homes. The project requires the closure of the Park and relocation of its occupants. As federal funds are involved, as well as a mobile home park, these activities trigger the application of certain relocation requirements.



California Government Code Section 65893.7 provides that this Board may require, as a condition to the change in use of the mobile home park, that BRIDGE take steps to mitigate any adverse impact of the park closure – the cost of such steps not to exceed the reasonable costs of relocation. After a meeting was held with the residents, a relocation plan and conversion impact report was prepared delineating how the relocation will be handled and the array of benefits open to the residents, including comparable replacement housing options. Under the plan, all qualified displaced persons can retain priority status to move back to the site upon project completion by choosing to relocate to a mobile home or RV community.

Relocation includes very specific noticing requirements to park residents regarding the relocation time line, including a year’s notice to vacate, and 15 or 30-days’ notice of certain meetings. In this case, they have received a 30-day notice of this hearing before the County Board of Supervisors.

State regulations provide displaced persons under a relocation plan the right to request an administrative review should disputes or complaints arise regarding relocation eligibility, the benefit amount, the failure to provide comparable replacement housing referrals, or perceived inadequate property management practices. Further, under State mobile home closure law, a conversion impact report must be provided to the local jurisdiction, and a copy of the report provided to each park resident. State law further requires a mandatory 30-day public comment period on the report, with comments to be included in the final report.

Under State law, the entity proposing the change of use, in this case BRIDGE, and each resident may request a hearing before the local legislative body on the sufficiency of the report. Today’s hearing is at BRIDGE’s request for the Board to adopt a finding that the report is sufficient. It is also an opportunity for the Board to adopt a relocation program, including a grievance and appeals process, applicable to this project concerning the Meadowbrook Mobile Home Park. Staff has reviewed the relocation program and impact report and determined it is sufficient, provided the modifications and corrections specified in Addendum 1 attached hereto are incorporated into the draft dated April, 2006.


Fiscal Impact

No Net County Cost will be affected by the requested actions.