Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Health Department
June 7, 2006
June 27, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Charlene A. Silva, Director, Health Department
Lisa Mancini, Director, Aging and Adult Services
Amendments to five provider agreements to increase funding and enhance Meals on Wheels Program services
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute Amendment Two to the Agreements with Catholic Charities CYO; City of Pacifica; Peninsula Volunteers, Inc.; Self-Help for the Elderly; and Senior Coastsiders increasing the funding for the Meals on Wheels Program by $64,258, with no change to the term of July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.
Goal: 8: Help vulnerable people—the aged, disabled, mentally ill, at-risk youth and others—achieve a better quality of life.
Aging and Adult Services (AAS) has continued to make the provision of services which help maintain at-risk individuals in a least restrictive setting a division-wide performance measure. With the assistance of the services provided through these agreements AAS has met this measure as a division.
Performance Measure(s):
FY 2004-05
FY 2005-06
Percent of At-Risk Individuals Maintained in a Least Restrictive Setting Through Case Management
On July 26, 2005, your Board authorized Resolution Number 67461 approving original agreements with 21 providers for Congregate Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Senior Employment, Legal Assistance, Transportation, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Home-Delivered Meals, Ombudsman Services, and Family Caregiver Support Services to at-risk individuals. The total collective amount of the agreements was $2,569,922 for the term of July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
On November 10, 2005, your Board authorized Resolution Number 67683 approving an agreement with Self-Help for the Elderly for services including the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) for $376,558 for the term of July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, which increased the total amount for all 22 providers to $2,946,480.
On December 12, 2005, your Board authorized Resolution Number 67685 approving Amendment One to the agreement with Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County, Inc., increasing the amount by $75,000 to $293,581, with no change to the term of the agreement. This amendment increased the total for all 22 providers to $3,021,480.
On March 28, 2006, your Board authorized Resolution 67878 approving Amendment One to 19 of the original 21 Agreements increasing the amount by $274,043 in one-time-only funding to $3,295,523 for all 22 agreements, with no change to the term.
This year, Aging and Adult Services received additional state and federal one-time-only funding for the Meals on Wheels Program. These funds will be used to purchase equipment and supplies including meal carriers, refrigeration units and outreach materials that enhance service delivery to the county’s frail elderly population.
Upon receiving notification of the one-time-only funding, AAS invited the Meals on Wheels Program service providers to submit proposals for the additional funds. The Commission on Aging reviewed and approved the distribution of the funds to the five providers. The amendments submitted to your Board today incorporate state and federal one-time-only funds into the original contracts.
Amendment One to the agreements, authorized by Resolution No. 67878, includes all provisions that are required by county ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination, equal benefits and jury services policy. County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution and amendments as to form. Risk Management has reviewed and approved the insurance coverage.
The term of the agreements with the various providers remains July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The amendments to five of the original 22 provider agreements represent an increase in state and federal one-time-only funds in the amount of $64,258 for a total obligation of $3,359,781. There is no Net County Cost associated with this action.