Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
June 14, 2006
June 27, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Neil R. Cullen, Director of Public Works
2006/07 Garbage and Recyclables Collection Charges Report for County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks)
Adopt a resolution setting July 18, 2006, at 9:15 a.m. at your regularly scheduled Board meeting, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the adoption of the 2006/07 Garbage and Recyclables Collection Charges Report for County Service Area No. 8 (CSA8).
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.
Goal 21: County employees understand, support and integrate the County vision and goals into their delivery of services.
The 2006/07 Garbage and Recyclables Collection Charges Report is the result of a collaborative effort between County staff and the North Fair Oaks Council.
Previous Board Action
Amended the franchise agreement with BFI, now Allied Waste (AW), for garbage and recyclables collection services in CSA8.
Adopted an ordinance, which requires for defined user categories in CSA8, that user garbage and recyclables collection charges be collected together with the property taxes.
Adopted the current garbage and recyclables collection user charge base rate for CSA8 on January 27, 2004. The current user charge base rate is $18.05 per month.
CSA 8 provides garbage and recyclables collection service in the North Fair Oaks area through a franchise agreement with Allied Waste (AW). The County generates the revenue to pay AW for the minimum level of service required by the County Ordinance Code by charging each affected parcel a user fee.
The adoption of the 2006/07 Garbage and Recyclables Collection Charges Report and its filing with the Clerk of the Board will result in the user charges contained therein being placed on the tax roll. The charges will appear on the 2006/07 tax bill of each affected property and be collected in the same manner as the property tax.
The County Ordinance Code requires your Board to hold a public hearing to consider public testimony prior to adopting the annual Garbage and Recyclables Collection Charges Report.
The recommended action, adopting the resolution setting of a public hearing on the user charge report, is the procedural first step.
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.
Fiscal Impact
There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action of setting a public hearing. Approving the Garbage and Recyclables Collection Charges Report after a public hearing will result on the charges being levied against each property in CSA8. The charge for minimum garbage and recyclables collection is currently $18.05 per month or $216.60 per year.
There is no impact to the General Fund.