Adopt a Resolution waiving the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and authorizing the President of the Board to execute an Agreement with the Service League of San Mateo County for provision of inmate services in the County’s detention facilities, in the amount not-to-exceed $509,459, funded through the Inmate Welfare Fund (IWF).
The County has contracted with the Service League to provide a continuum of services to inmates of County correctional facilities since 1989.
The Service League’s ability to provide an optimum level of services to inmates at a reasonable cost is largely due to a dedicated staff and the recruitment and utilization of hundreds of volunteers and community professionals. The Service League works in close cooperation with other organizations and agencies in the County to expand the number of resources available to inmates and their families. A significant portion of the cost for providing inmate services is subsidized by public donations and fund-raising carried out by Service League sponsors.
Another essential service provided by the Service League is mandated inmate library services and related library materials in the Maguire Correctional Facility [MCF] and the Women’s Correctional Facility [WCC]. In 2001, the Service League took the place of a previous contractor who was unable to fulfill the terms of their contract.
The Service League provides services to inmates such as education, jail orientation, counseling, referrals, jury clothing, childcare, travel fare for released inmates, Spanish language services, various denominational chaplaincy services, etc.
The Service League also provides indirect services consisting of training and guidance for volunteers who interact with inmates and handle their requests as well as build supportive networks with departments, agencies, and substance abuse treatment programs.
The IWF Committee directed contract providers to make a 15% reduction in costs and services for FY 2003-04, and again for FY 2004-05, in order to bring contractual services costs back in-line with available funding. These reductions were necessary due to diminishing financial resources of the Inmate Welfare Fund, as well as inflation and service population growth.
In FY 2005-06, contract provider costs were successfully brought back in balance with the fund revenues. Last year, the IWF Committee contributed $485,199 for inmate services, via contract with the Service League. The proposed FY 2006-07 Agreement period is for an amount not-to-exceed $509,459, an increase of $24,260, or a 5% cost of living adjustment (COLA).
The Service League has a unique ability to provide services to inmates by utilizing volunteers and community professionals at a reasonable cost. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the County to waive the Request for Proposals process and to continue contracting with the Service League on the basis of being a sole source provider in the County of San Mateo.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved this Resolution and Agreement as to form.
The proposed FY 2006-07 Agreement is for an amount not-to-exceed $509,459 and a one (1) year term commencing July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Funding will be provided through the Inmate Welfare Fund. Therefore, there is no fiscal impact upon the County’s General Fund.