Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Environmental Services Agency
Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer Division
July 12, 2006
August 1, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Marcia Raines, Environmental Services Agency Director
Gail Raabe, Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer
Agreement (#06-0185) with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for High Risk Pest Exclusion Inspection Services to Prevent the Introduction of Economically Important Plant Pests and Diseases for the Term of July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 in an Amount Not to Exceed $281,323
Adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for High Risk Pest Exclusion inspection services to prevent the introduction of economically important plant pests and diseases for the term of July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007, in an amount not to exceed $281,323
Commitment: Preserve and Provide People Access to Our Natural Environment
Goal 14: Important natural resources are preserved and enhanced through environmental stewardship.
The agreement contributes to this commitment and goal by reimbursing the County for pest exclusion work activities that protect the agricultural industry and the environment from harmful exotic pests that may be introduced into California.
AB 2283, the legislation which authorized funding for the implementation of a statewide High Risk Pest Exclusion Program, was signed into law by Governor Wilson in September 1998. This legislation addressed the need for augmentation of county plant inspection activities to prevent the introduction of exotic insects and diseases through identified high-risk pest pathways. In 1999, the Board approved the first contract with California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to initiate the High Risk Pest Exclusion (HRPE) Program. The Board approved full year contracts for fiscal years 1999-2000 through 2005-06. The FY 2005-06 agreement, approved by the Board in November 2005 (Resolution # 067624), included a total of $229,643 for HRPE services specifically for agricultural shipment inspections at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The Board approved a FY 2005-06 contract amendment on March 14, 2006 (Resolution # 067850) for additional state funded HRPE services which increased the state reimbursement by $51,680 to a revised amount of $281,323. Under the FY 2005-06 annual agreement, CDFA combined four pest exclusion program reimbursements into a single contract (High Risk Pest Exclusion, Sudden Oak Death, Nursery Stock Inspection and Seed Services). For FY 2006-07, CDFA will provide separate contracts for each pest exclusion program.
During FY 2005-06, the Division intercepted over 500 significant pests including Red Imported Fire Ant.
The Agricultural Commissioner will receive funding in the amount of $281,323 as reimbursement for the costs associated with 4,737 personnel hours to be expended on HRPE activities. Division staff will perform inspections of air freight agricultural shipments at SFO and nursery stock truck shipments at coastside wholesale nurseries. The revenue authorized by this contractual agreement has already been included in the Division’s FY 2006-07 Recommended Level Budget. County Counsel has reviewed this agreement and resolution.
This agreement totaling $281,323 reimburses the County for pest exclusion expenses related to the High Risk Pest Exclusion program. The revenue authorized by this agreement has already been included in the Division’s FY 2006-07 Environmental Protection Program Recommended Budget. There is no Net County Cost associated with this agreement.