Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Human Services Agency
July 6, 2006
August 1, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Glen H. Brooks Jr., Director, Human Services Agency
Mark Lane, Director, Children and Family Services
Amendment to the Revenue Agreement with Redwood City School District
Adopt a Resolution authorizing execution of an Amendment to the Revenue Agreement between the County of San Mateo and the Redwood City School District (RSCD) for RCSD to reimburse the County for partial payment of the salary and benefits for one Psychiatric Social Worker out posted at RCSD’s Hoover Preschool Family Resource Center in the amount of $100,118 for the Fiscal Year 2006-07. The term of the Agreement will remain July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2008.
Commitment: Provide equal access to educational opportunity.
Goals 3 & 6: All children ages 0-5 years have access to childcare/early learning opportunities that contribute to their entering kindergarten ready to succeed; All children grow up healthy in safe and supportive homes and neighborhoods.
The Agreement contributes to this commitment and goals since the RCSD through their Redwood City Family Centers provides counseling and kindergarten readiness programs to children and their families.
Performance Measure(s):
FY 2005-06
FY 2006-07
Percent of children and youth served will show an increase in school attendance.
Percent of children served who demonstrate an increase in social skills and classroom behavior.
The Redwood City Family Resource Centers located at the Taft, Fair Oaks, and Hoover and Kennedy schools (known as “sites”) provide human services, health services, and educational support and community development activities to a community of 2,000 residents. For the past four years, the County of San Mateo, through the Human Services Agency (HSA) has employed and out posted Psychiatric Social Workers (PSW) to provide counseling services at these sites. RCSD is the fiscal agent for the Redwood City Family Resource Centers, which oversees these sites and reimburses the County for part of the Salaries and Benefits for the PSW’s. Services have also expanded to the preschool population of the entire school district with the Early Intervention Program, which is housed at Hoover School.
On February 28, 2006, the Board of Supervisors approved a three-year Revenue Agreement with RCSD, for the term July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2008, to out post six PSWs at the various sites to provide human services, health services and educational support and to continue improving the educational success of children. The original Agreement provided for partial payment of the salary and benefits of the one PSW out posted at the Hoover School by RCSD in the amount of $100,821 for FY 2005-06. Funding for the remaining fiscal years was to be set forth in the form of amendments to the original Agreement.
This Amendment to the Revenue Agreement provides for partial payment of the salary and benefits for one PSW out posted at the RCSD’s Hoover and Fair Oaks Preschool Family Resource Centers in the amount of $100,118 for FY 2006-07. The Amendment will allow HSA to continue improving the educational success of children through impacting social skills and behavior and increasing family involvement in their children’s education. Funding for the remaining fiscal year (FY 2007-08) will be negotiated and reflected in a form of an amendment to the Agreement.
This Amendment includes all provisions that are required by county ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance and hold harmless provisions.
The term of the Revenue Agreement will remain July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2008. This is an Amendment to the Revenue Agreement for the RWCSD to reimburse HSA in the maximum amount of $100,118 for one PSW out posted at Hoover and Fair Oaks preschool for FY 2006-07. Funding for the remaining fiscal year (FY 2007-08) will be negotiated and reflected in the form of an amendment to the Agreement. This revenue has been included in the FY 2006-07 Human Services Agency Recommended Budget. There is no Net County Cost associated with this Amendment to the Agreement.