The Interagency Council (IAC) will be an inclusive body representing HOPE stakeholders. The IAC will have three main areas of work that flow from the Plan’s recommendations:
§ Intra-County Planning and Coordination: work on comprehensive, multi-disciplinary service strategies between and among County Departments.
§ City/County Planning and Coordination: work on comprehensive and coordinated housing and services strategies across jurisdictions.
§ Government/Non-profit Program Development and Refinement: work to refine existing programs and develop new programs as recommended in the HOPE Plan; preparing HUD Continuum of Care application and garner other competitive program-related funding, and coordination with other program planning and policy bodies.
The IAC will be responsible for establishing priorities, approving project plans and endorsing projects for further approval to the appropriate jurisdictional entity(s). In addition, the IAC will forward recommendations specific to the Blue Ribbon Committee in support of their role and responsibilities. The IAC will establish and oversee the implementation of Memorandums of Understanding with HEART and the Housing Leadership Council for fund development and advocacy support.
Membership will consist of the following:
∙ Board of Supervisors (2)
∙ Entitlement Cities (4)
∙ Non-entitlement Cities (identified by CCAG) (2)
∙ County Managers Office (1)
∙ City Managers (2)
∙ Chair, Continuum of Care (1)
The following 8 slots will be filled by a representative from the organization designated by the Board of Supervisors
∙ Non-Profit Service Providers (4)
∙ At-large (4)
Members will serve 3 year terms
Upon this Board’s approval, the HOPE Interim Workgroup will begin to assemble the remaining members of the IAC.
The Interagency Council will convene its first meeting by the end of October.