Inter-Departmental Correspondence
July 31, 2006
August 15, 2006
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Don Horsley, Sheriff
Jaime Young, Public Safety Communications Director
Agreement with Northrop Grumman to upgrade the Message Switch and Computer Aided Dispatch Systems hardware and software.
Adopt a Resolution waiving the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and authorizing the President of the Board to execute an Agreement with Northrop Grumman to upgrade the Message Switch and Computer Aided Dispatch Systems, for an amount not to exceed $478,000, and an eight (8) month term expiring April 30, 2007.
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors.
The proposed upgrade will ensure the ability of the Message Switch and Computer Aided Dispatch Systems to accurately and rapidly dispatch of law enforcement, fire, and EMS resources.
Performance Measures:
As approved by the San Mateo County Police Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association, the following Message Switch service levels are maintained by the supporting staff:
System Availability -
99% of a 24-hour clock
Network Availability -
98.5% of a 24-hour clock
Problem Call-Back -
30 minutes from time reported to County
System Recovery -
4 hours from problem report
Network Recovery -
First priority will be given to MSS network. Network recovery time is dependent on nature of problem and possible emergency environmental conditions.
Upgrade of the Message Switch computer platform is required in order to continue meeting these strict service levels.
The Message Switch System (MSS) provides access to local, state, and federal information including warrants, missing persons, stolen vehicles, etc. to local law enforcement agencies including the Sheriff’s Office and every city police department within the County. The Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System is an essential tool that provides Public Safety Communications the ability to accurately and rapidly dispatch of Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS resources.
The hardware and software for MSS and CAD were purchased from Northrop Grumman (formally PRC) in 1992 and went into service in 1993. The MSS and CAD have been in operation continuously since 1993 with availability that exceeds 99.99%. The two computer systems are cross-redundant for emergency situations, so that critical public safety services can be supported.
In 1999 Public Safety Communications funded an upgrade of the hardware used by the CAD and MSS. However, the hardware platform has now reached its’ end of life and become obsolete, moreover Northrup-Grumman has advised it can no longer support the hardware on an ongoing maintenance basis unless the platform is upgraded. Due to the critical nature of the MSS and CAD, replacement hardware and software migration is clearly indicated, and this project has received approval to proceed from the Police Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association.
The MSS and CAD systems are mission critical systems which are relied upon so that Public Safety personnel can successfully accomplish their tasks on 24 hour, 7 day a week basis. Failure of the MSS or CAD could compromise the delivery of public safety services.
Northrop Grumman has provided service and support for the MSS and CAD systems for the over 13 years including hardware and software enhancements and maintenance and has proven to be dependable in meeting the needs of the MSS and CAD systems. The MSS and CAD operating systems are proprietary software provided under license from Northrop Grumman. The Message Switch Advisory Committee reviewed several different cost and project options, and this project approach to upgrade the existing system was one-half to two-thirds less costly than the other primary options such as full system replacement.
Therefore, it is in the best interest of the County to waive the RFP process and enter into a contract with Northrop Grumman, as a sole source provider, in order to maintain system integrity and ensure a successful upgrade allowing the MSS and CAD to retain all the enhancements that have been performed over the years.
The Contractor has assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, non-discrimination and equal benefits. The hold harmless has been changed consistent with changes in another Northrop Grumman agreement that the Board has already approved.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Resolution and Agreement as to legal form. The Information Services Department has reviewed the Agreement and support the required upgrade.
The term of this agreement is August 1, 2006 through April 30, 2007. The maximum cost for this project if Phase II and all contingency funds were to be used, is $478,000. Phase II and the contingency funds may be initiated only at the discretion of the County. The contingency may be used to pay Northrop Grumman for any unknown or unforeseen work or additional tasks requested by the County after the work is begun.
Monies expended for the project are partially reimbursed by the Department of Homeland Security grant ($186,000), with the remaining $292,000 in funding available from the MSS budgeted replacement fund reserve.
There is no Net County cost associated with this upgrade. A September Budget Change will be made to move required MSS funds from Reserves into project appropriations. With the replacement of the obsolete hardware, an estimated $40,000 will be saved annually on reduced maintenance costs while providing a higher level of support. The payback period for the project is thus approximately ten years.