Goal: 7 – Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors.
Commitment: Responsive, effective, and collaborative government.
Goal: 22 - County and local governments effectively communicate, collaborate and develop strategic approaches to countywide issues.
On November 12, 2005, San Mateo County hosted a very successful Emergency Preparedness Day at the San Mateo County Expo Center. There were up to 5,000 people in attendance, with booths and participation from a wide variety of County and City first responder agencies. Supervisors Adrienne Tissier and Rose Jacobs Gibson were the event sponsors, with event coordination and administration provided by the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services. The goal of the event is to help prepare County residents and families to cope during the critical first 24 to 72 hours following a major emergency, when first responder services will be overwhelmed and most residents will need to be self-sufficient until help can arrive to address longer-term needs.
This year, the County will again be hosting Emergency Preparedness Day 2006, on Saturday, September 30th. We have secured a one-time grant of $60,000, to help defray operating costs for hosting the event, from Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) regional grant, administered by the City and County of San Francisco. The MMRS program assists designated localities with funding to write plans, develop training, purchase equipment and pharmaceuticals, and conduct exercises related to catastrophic incidents, whether terrorist or natural disasters. MMRS establishes linkages among first responders, medical treatment resources, public health officials, emergency management offices, volunteer organizations and other local elements working together to reduce the mortality and morbidity that would result from a catastrophic incident.
MMRS funding is designed to be regional, and following a presentation by OES Lt. John Quinlan, the administering authority in San Francisco determined that San Mateo County's Emergency Preparedness Day fell within the MMRS funding guidelines.
The appropriation of $60,000 will create an operating budget for the special event, offset by incoming grant funds. The budget will cover “out-of-pocket” costs for the event, including staging and booth set-up fees, service contracts, small home first aid kits purchased for giveaway to the public, food and water for volunteers, and other miscellaneous event costs. With fund-raising activities and in-kind contributions to cover the balance of out-of-pocket expenses, it is anticipated that any additional Net County cost for the event should be minimal.