Resolution No.
Board Of Supervisors, County Of San Mateo, State Of California
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Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Submit an Application for SAFETEA STP/CMAQ Funding to Help Finance the Willow Road Separation Ramp Metering Project - Menlo Park / East Palo Alto Area
RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of California, that
WHEREAS, the San Mateo County Transit Authority (SMCTA) is preparing plans and specifications to install ramp metering at the Willow Road / US Highway 101 Separation; and
WHEREAS, the SMCTA has not done contract administration or construction inspection for road related projects; and
WHEREAS, in order to expedite the implementation of ramp metering at the US 101 / Willow Road Separation, the City/County Association of Governments has requested that the County of San Mateo administer the contract for the installation of said ramp metering; and
WHEREAS, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) (Public Law 109-59, August 10, 2005) continues the Surface Transportation Program (STP) (23 U.S.C. § 133) and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) (23 U.S.C. § 149); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to SAFETEA-LU and the regulations promulgated there under, eligible project sponsors wishing to receive STP or CMAQ grants for a project must first submit an application with the appropriate metropolitan transportation planning organization (MPO), for review and inclusion in the MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is the MPO for the San Francisco Bay region; and
WHEREAS, MTC has adopted a Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, revised) that dictates the use of STP and CMAQ funds; and
WHEREAS, the County of San Mateo is an eligible project sponsor for STP and CMAQ funds; and
WHEREAS, the County of San Mateo wishes to submit an application to MTC for funds from the STP and CMAQ funds for the Willow Road Separation Ramp Metering Project; and
WHEREAS, MTC requires, as part of the application, a resolution stating the following:
the commitment of necessary local matching funds of at least 11.47%;
the sponsor understands that the STP and CMAQ funding is fixed at the programmed amount;
any cost increase cannot be expected to be funded with STP or CMAQ funds;
the assurance of the sponsor to complete the project as described in the application, and if approved, as programmed in MTC’S TIP;
that the project will comply with all the requirements as set forth by the applicable MTC funding program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that:
The Director of Public Works is authorized to execute and file an application for funding under the STP and CMAQ of SAFETEA-LU in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) for the Willow Road Separation Ramp Metering Project; and
This Board of Supervisors by adopting this resolution does hereby state that;
the County of San Mateo understands that STP or CMAQ funds for the project is fixed at Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000);
any cost increases must be funded by the County of San Mateo from local funds;
the County of San Mateo does not expect any cost increases to be funded with STP or CMAQ funds;
the Willow Road Separation Ramp Metering Project will be built as described in this resolution and, if approved, for the amount shown in the MTC’s TIP and within the funding deadlines associated with these funds and will comply with the provisions and requirements of the Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, as revised) and other applicable regional, state and federal funding requirements;
the County of San Mateo is an eligible sponsor of projects in the STP;
there is no legal impediment to the County of San Mateo making applications for the funds;
there is no pending or threatened litigation which might in any way adversely affect the proposed project, or the ability of the County of San Mateo to deliver such project;
a copy of this resolution will be transmitted to the MTC in conjunction with the filing of the application; and
MTC is requested to support the application for the project described in the resolution and to program the project, if approved, in MTC’s TIP.
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