For Minor Subdivision (County File No. SMN 89-9)
Department of Public Works
The applicant shall design and construct roadway improvements on the northerly half of Capistrano Road, including necessary right-of-way dedications, to provide a left turn pocket into the Harbor; one through lane on Capistrano; and a free right turn lane into the proposed subdivision’s entrance. The design shall include a sidewalk, a four-way stop at the Capistrano/Harbor access-intersection, and appropriate drainage and drainage facilities, if required by the Department of Public Works.
Design approved; engineering complete; encroachment permit issued. Driveway entry completed at northwest side of property. Sidewalk partially installed on hotel entry side. (8/2/05)
Main and rear driveway entrances and connecting sidewalks have been completed. Entire roadway improvements scheduled for completion in April/May 2006 (weather permitting). (1/11/06)
Contractor hired; curbs/gutters have been surveyed and graded. Given delays from past winter rains, remaining roadway improvement work is scheduled to start by end of August. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall design and construct an acceleration (merge) lane on the northerly half of Capistrano Road from the subdivision’s easterly entrance to westbound Capistrano Road.
Same comment as #1. (8/7/06)
Construction plans for Conditions #1 and #2 shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval.
The applicant shall design and construct improvements to northbound Highway 1 at the Capistrano Road intersection to provide two (2) left turn lanes onto Capistrano; one through northbound lane; and one free right turn lane. The plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works and CalTrans for review and approval.
Encroachment permit issued by CalTrans. Bids for project construction have being accepted and construction details prepared. PG&E given approval to start work in area. (8/2/05)
All plans and permits completed. Scheduled for completion in Fall 2006. (1/11/06)
Same comment as #1. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall design and construct improvements to southbound Highway 1 at Capistrano Road intersection to provide a separate eastbound left turn on Capistrano Road; a separate southbound right-of-way lane on Highway l; separate westbound through and right-turn lanes on Capistrano Road. The plans shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works and CalTrans for review and approval.
Encroachment permit issued and plans approved. SBC requires an easement and to move fiber optic line. PG&E has provided approval to work in area. (8/2/05)
All plans and permits completed. The portion of Capistrano Road to be widened at Highway 1 has been cleared of vegetation and rough grading has been completed. Scheduled for completion in Fall 2006. (1/11/06)
Same comment as #1. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall provide documentation to the Department of Public Works that the applicant has acquired an encroachment permit and complied with all requirements of the State Division of Highways for any proposed work within the State Highway right-of-way at Highway 1.
Issued. (8/2/05)
The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the County Public Works Department prior to commencing any work within the County right-of-way on Capistrano Road.
The applicant shall comply with all the provisions of the San Mateo County Grading Ordinance.
No grading or excavation shall commence until the applicant has met all requirements of the Department of Public Works and the County Building Inspection Section.
The applicant shall prepare a drainage analysis of this proposed subdivision and submit it to the Department of Public Works for review. The drainage analysis shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, and shall consist of a narrative analysis and a plan. The flow of stormwater onto, over, and off the property being subdivided shall be detailed on the plan, and shall include adjacent lands as appropriate to clearly depict the pattern of flow. The drainage analysis shall either certify that the proposed lots are adequately drained or recommend engineering measures necessary for adequate drainage, including, but not limited to, assuring that post-developed runoff from the subdivision does not exceed that which existed in its pre-development stage. Recommended engineering measures shall be designed by the subdivider’s engineer, reviewed by the County, and constructed prior to the recordation of the parcel map.
The applicant shall prepare a plan which demonstrates the feasibility of sewering the proposed parcels of this subdivision by gravity and submit this plan to the Department of Public Works for review.
The applicant shall submit written certification from the Coastside County Water District to the Public Works Department and the Planning Division verifying proof of 24 water connection permits and stating that District’s requirements to provide water service connections to the proposed project have been met prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Submitted. (8/2/05)
Any potable water system work required by Coastside County Water District within County right-of-way shall not be commenced until County requirements for issuance of an encroachment permit have been met. Plans for such work shall be reviewed by the Public Works Department.
The applicant shall submit written certification from the appropriate energy and communications utilities to the San Mateo County Department of Public Works and the Planning Division stating that they will provide energy and communications service to the proposed parcels of this subdivision.
SBC easement is involved in delay. Letters requested from both SBC and PG&E. (8/2/05)
Discussions ongoing with utility providers without obstacle, except for completion of fiber optic cable easement. (1/11/06)
Easement agreement completed. Work to occur in conjunction with road work, per Comment #1. (8/7/06)
“As-Built” plans of all construction required by these conditions shall be prepared and signed by the subdivider’s engineer upon completion of all work. The “As-Built” plans shall be accompanied by a written certification by the subdivider’s engineer that all private facilities have been completed in conformance with the approved plans.
Will be done upon completion of all work and prior to “as-built” depiction of infrastructure; no obstacles anticipated. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall submit a parcel map to the Department of Public Works for review and recording.
The applicant shall submit for review, to the Department of Public Works, improvement plans, profiles, typical sections, etc., for driveway access (both easterly and westerly entrances), parking lot area, and drainage installations.
The applicant shall record documents which address the future maintenance responsibilities of the private roadways, private drainage facilities, and the private parking lot, including ingress-egress easements to the proposed parcels, if applicable. Prior to recording these documents, they shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review.
Need copies of recorded documents. Require “as built” status of infrastructure. (8/2/05)
Same comment as #15. (8/7/06)
For Use Permit (County File No. UP 88-6) and Coastal Development Permit (County File No. CDP 88-46)
Department of Public Works
A geotechnical investigation report shall be submitted to the County Geologist for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit.
All grading and excavation activities, foundation supports and pavement design shall adhere to the recommendations in the geotechnical report prepared by Harding Lawson Associates, 1988. All grading and foundation plans shall be reviewed and approved by Harding Lawson Associates prior to submittal to the County Geologist for final review and approval. If any modifications or changes are made by the County Geologist, the geotechnical consultants shall inspect the final grading and foundations to determine whether their recommendations are still valid before final building and grading permits are issued.
During grading and construction for foundations and pavement, the geotechnical consultant shall provide weekly on-site observations as necessary, together with field and laboratory testing, to ensure compliance of conditions of approval for all plans, specifications and soil compaction. The geotechnical consultant shall be required to be on site to observe all footing excavations for proper fill materials, depth and clean out. All observations will be combined into a final compliance report which will be reviewed by the County Geologist.
Work not completed; therefore, no final report yet. Geotechnical engineer is providing review as needed throughout project. (8/2/05)
Ongoing observations must continue until completion of all work; otherwise, status is unchanged. (8/7/06)
The applicant’s engineering geologist shall conduct on-site observations each week and after each heavy rain, and during excavation and grading. The engineer shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with all drainage plans. A summary report of inspections and verification of compliance shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works and the Building Inspection Section prior to final grading and building approval. If drainage plans are not complied with, the engineering geologist will contact the County for appropriate action.
Upon completion of work.
Geotechnical engineer is providing review as needed throughout project. (8/2/05)
Same comment as #3. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall close the median strip on Capistrano Road across from the proposed hotel and install a right-turn only sign to restrict turning movements from the driveway prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Plan being prepared by engineer. (8/2/05)
Scheduled for completion in April/May 2006 (weather permitting). (1/11/06)
Same comment as #1. (8/7/06)
Environmental Health Division
The applicant shall submit a letter from the Coastside County Water District stating that the necessary water connection is available for the project. The need for a water main extension and/or an increase in water pressure shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Coastside County Water District and the Department of Public Works.
The applicant shall receive a sewer permit from the Granada Sanitary District prior to the issuance of a building permit.
GSD has tentatively approved their service capacity to this project in its entirety and have issued the required permits for the retail portion, but not for the hotel rooms of the pending hotel building permit, but not yet for the pending and separate building permit for the restaurant.
Project has received all sewer permits except for those for the restaurant. Recently issued “pick-up notice” entitles project to purchase all remaining permits. Negotiations are continuing with GSD for issuance of these permits. All such permits should be in place before the 2/28/06 BOS meeting. (1/11/06)
Permits not yet issued; GSD and applicant have reached agreement that would may allow a building permit to be issued for the restaurant foundation only, whereby the permit for the primary structure is withheld pending resolution of the fees between the two parties. (9/28/06)
The applicant shall extend the sanitary sewer main to serve the project to the satisfaction of the Granada Sanitary District.
The sewer main has been installed, as authorized by GSD. The sewer lateral to the project will be completed by 8/12/05. (8/2/05)
The sewer manholes and sewer laterals have been completed. (1/11/06)
The applicant shall submit construction plans for the restaurant and retail food establishments to the Environmental Health Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Environmental Health has received and approved the construction plans for the separate restaurant building. They have not yet received the plans for any food establishment within the main hotel building. Plans for specific restaurant(s) are in preparation. Potential leasing arrangements are a factor. (8/2/05)
These plans have been submitted and approved, with “pick-up notice” issued. (8/7/06)
Building Inspection Section
The applicant shall apply for a building permit prior to any construction or excavation and all requirements of the County Building Inspection Section shall be met.
The project is comprised of the following building permits, each followed by their issuance status:
BLD 1999-01211 (Separate Office Building) – Issued, constructed, not yet finalized.
BLD 2000-01630 (Underground Parking Structure) – Issued, nearly completed except for finishing underground hotel service rooms.
BLD 2004-00911 (Hotel and Mall Portion) – Issued, ongoing.*
BLD 2004-01322 (Restaurant, Shell Only) – Not issued (will be issued upon resolution of associated sewer permits with GSD).
BLD 2004-01433 (Hotel Slab Foundation) – Completed.
*The structural ironwork is complete. Light-gauge, metal framing is 80% complete (some roof truss work remaining). The first layer of all paving is complete; sidewalks are 95% complete. Plumbing, electrical, HVAC, fire sprinklers are progressing. Underground connections of fire sprinkler lines are installed and connected to the building.
Anticipated completion for all phases of the project is June 2007 (weather permitting). (8/7/06)
Low-pressure valves and water conservation devices shall be installed on all water fixtures prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Will be confirmed prior to final project approval.
Ongoing as construction proceeds. (8/7/06)
Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District
The applicant shall comply with all the requirements of the Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District for providing fire safety features, i.e., automatic sprinkler system, alarm monitoring system, fire hydrant installation, and an emergency access adjacent to the hotel and retail structure. The applicant shall contract with the District for a fire protection consultant to perform plan checks, construction review and sprinkler checks to ensure the development complies with code and other conditions required by the District. The consultant shall be hired and the contract finalized prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Contract for third party plan review signed with Hughes Associates. All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to a final project approval by the Fire District.
The applicant shall submit written verification from the Coastside County Water District that there is adequate water pressure to service the automatic sprinkler systems prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Will be submitted prior to final project approval by Fire District.
The lighthouse tower shall not be used for public entry or access without Fire Department approval. The plans will be modified to provide fire access to all sides of the lighthouse tower. The maximum height shall be 75 feet to the peak, and a document shall be recorded that will prohibit occupied use of the structure (i.e., no public entry or access for any purpose) until such time as the Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District shall allow removal of the condition. (This condition has been made inoperative by reason of the deletion of the lighthouse from the approved project.)
N/A; lighthouse deleted from plans.
No building permit shall be issued until the Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District notifies the County that satisfactory arrangements have been made for the purchase of a 75-foot aerial truck. (This condition has been made inoperative by reason of the deletion of the lighthouse from the approved project.)
N/A; lighthouse deleted from project.
The applicant shall agree to participate in the formation of a special fire service zone to assist in funding the additional manpower required to service the project. The goal of this zone shall be to fund three (3) firefighters. The applicant shall include all of its property in the harbor area in such zone, consisting of approximately 35 acres. Initially, the Pillar Point Harbor Village project will fund the salaries of one and one-half (1 1/2) firefighters through assessment. As additional areas within the special fire services zone are developed, the assessment may be adjusted as necessary to reflect the proportionate contribution of each area for fire protection services. Prior to the issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall execute an agreement with the Fire District which shall provide for fully funding the first year’s assessment at a date set forth in the agreement.
Applicant has not yet formed the required Melo Roos Community Facilities District. However, agreement between developer and HMB Fire has been reached and signed, allowing details to be finalized to meet more current needs. (8/2/05)
Negotiations with HMB Fire are completed to the satisfaction of HMB Fire and project owner. (1/11/06)
The applicant shall provide radio controlled traffic signal devices for the Highway 1 and Capistrano Road intersection and for firefighting equipment, as permitted by the California Department of Transportation.
The installation of an optical, not radio-controlled, traffic per-emption system at the intersection of Capistrano and Highway 1; CalTrans has already approved. (8/2/05)
Highway 1 improvements (including traffic signal upgrades) are scheduled for completion in Fall 2006; no obstacles anticipated. (1/11/06)
Highway 1 improvements now scheduled for completion in December 2006. (8/7/06)
No building permit shall be issued until the applicant has provided written verification from the Coastside County Water District that there is sufficient fire flow for the project, in accordance with Insurance Services Office standards.
Fire flow tests were performed on the on-site hydrant system. (8/2/05)
Upon submission of plans for Fire District review, the applicant shall pay all necessary fees and expenses of the Fire District to perform plan checks, construction review and sprinkler checks to ensure compliance with requirements and safety features specified by the Fire District.
All outstanding fees shall be paid prior to Fire District’s final approval on this project.
Fees paid. (1/11/06)
Unless earlier dates are specified, all of the foregoing conditions shall be fully implemented prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the project.
Included in agreement referred to in #16 above.
Planning Division
The proposed development shall be constructed according to the plans approved by the Board of Supervisors. Minor architectural and site changes that are consistent with the intent of the plans may be approved by the Planning Director.
So far, the building plans either are the same as the originally approved plans, or the modifications have been deemed minor by the Planning Director. (1/11/06)
The height of the building in the development shall be measured in conformance with Section 6102.44 (Definition of Height) and Section 6102.41 (Definition of Grade) of the County Ordinance Code.
The BLD plans were reviewed and the approved height confirmed. The approved height will be confirmed during construction. (Ongoing, 1/11/06)
All final heights have been constructed and confirmed. (8/7/06)
Exterior colors for the development shall be natural and nautical shades (i.e., blues, grays, whites, etc.) and shall be to the approval of the Planning Director.
These colors have been reviewed and approved; they will be confirmed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
The design and colors of the identification sign for the project shall be in a maritime theme to the approval of the Planning Director.
Project sign design has not yet been submitted or approved, but will be prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
A landscape plan for the commercial facilities and parking area prepared by a landscape architect shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director. The plan shall utilize drought-tolerant plants and a drip irrigation system and shall include both the common and scientific name of all plants proposed, a planting plan keyed to a legend showing container size and number of plants, as well as proposed methodology of staking. The landscaping plan shall include, and applicant shall construct, benches for use by the public along the area of Capistrano Road facing the harbor. The landscaping plan shall show proposed walkways, benches, walls, fencing, irrigation system and any additional landscape features. The benches shall be sited so as to provide views of the harbor.
Landscape plan has been reviewed and approved. Implementation of the approved plan will be confirmed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
Also, included in the landscaping plan shall be a 10-foot wide planting strip between the hotel and the adjacent Pillar Point Inn. This strip shall be heavily planted with tall trees and dense vegetation to screen the Inn from the hotel.
As indicated above, except that prior to the final project approval, that section of the landscape plan pertaining to this element of Condition 24 shall be revised to include a more dense planting of tall trees and vegetation. (8/7/06)
A Letter of Assignment in an amount of $15,000 shall be posted to guarantee installation and maintenance of the approved landscape plan for a two-year growing season. The landscape architect shall inspect the landscaping twice a year for the two growing seasons to ensure correct installation and maintenance of plant materials. The landscape architect shall submit a report to the Planning Director verifying all landscaping has been successfully established prior to releasing the Letter of Assignment.
This shall be submitted upon confirmation that all approved landscaping has been installed and prior to the final project approval. (8/7/06)
An outdoor lighting plan for the parking area and commercial facilities shall be submitted for review and approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plan shall include the lighting layout and fixture design, and shall provide for low intensity shield lighting in the parking lots to minimize nighttime illumination and glare. The plan shall be designed with consideration of nighttime security.
The proposed lighting plan has been approved and its implementation will be confirmed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
Ninety of the new required parking spaces shall be made available for shoreline access parking between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in a location to be approved by the Planning Director. Signs shall be posted designating the spaces available for shoreline access parking in accordance with Section 6269(d) of the County Zoning Ordinance.
A plan showing the location and associated signage for these spaces shall be submitted for approval and implemented prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall submit a dust control plan that provides measures for minimizing dust levels during construction, i.e., periodic watering of graded surfaces, prompt replanting of disturbed areas, limiting grading on excessively windy days, etc., prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Included on the BLD plans.
The applicant shall offer an avigation easement in a document provided by the Department of General Services to the County prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Will be submitted and reviewed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall install a red obstruction light on top of the lighthouse prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. (This condition has been made inoperative by reason of the deletion of the lighthouse from the approved project.)
N/A – Lighthouse deleted from project.
No structure shall exceed a height which cannot be served by an aerial tanker fire truck. The applicant shall agree to participate in the purchase of an aerial tanker fire truck to protect such structure prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
N/A – Lighthouse deleted from project.
Final building plans shall be reviewed to ensure that solid waste storage areas, loading docks and other less attractive features are located away from the street and screened with fencing and landscaping.
Will also be confirmed prior to project final approval. (1/11/06)
Recycling bins for glass shall be provided in the trash disposal areas for the hotel and restaurant, and for glass and cardboard in the disposal areas for the commercial retail uses, and shall be indicated on the final site plan.
BLD plans need to be revised to show this prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall arrange with Coastside Scavenger for the collection of recyclable solid waste products prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Confirmation of this agreement shall be confirmed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
The layout of the surface parking lot shall be designed to provide: (1) safe parking spaces that will not disrupt vehicular traffic by eliminating all on-site parking spaces that will produce unsafe parking, (2) pedestrian cross walks constructed of brick or material other than asphalt and raised slightly above the parking surface, and (3) speed bumps. The design of the parking lot shall be to the approval of the Planning Director and the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Current BLD plans indicate compliance. Installation of speed bumps will be confirmed prior to final project approval.
The applicant shall retain an acoustical consultant to prepare a detailed acoustical analysis for the project. The report shall address: (1) construction specifications necessary to control interior noise levels to a CNEL of 45 dB, (2) measures for reducing mechanical noise levels, (3) methods for controlling noise in areas exposed to traffic, and (4) design of temporary construction noise barrier between project site and Pillar Point Inn. The recommendations in the acoustical analysis shall be reflected in the building plans.
The applicant shall construct a temporary noise wall adjacent to the Pillar Point Inn during the duration of the construction period prior to approval of a building permit.
All construction-related vehicles and equipment shall be properly muffled and restricted to weekday daytime hours between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Will be monitored and enforced throughout construction phase.
The applicant shall place a building directory at the main entry to the shopping complex prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Will be confirmed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for verification that there is no evidence of wetlands or stream channels on the project site and shall submit a letter to the Planning Director providing details of all communications with the Corps prior to the issuance of a building permit.
A check for $21,000 shall be deposited by Fishing Village Associates to assure compliance with the mitigation measures adopted as conditions of this permit. Amendments to the amount of deposit may be made by the Planning Director to assure that compliance with AB 3180 is achieved. The condition is adopted pursuant to AB 3180 (PRC Section 21081.6).
Ralph Osterling Associates is on contract to monitor all mitigation measures.
In recognition of the need for future traffic and circulation improvements in the area of the project, the owner shall participate in an assessment district or similar fair and appropriate mechanism to provide funds for future traffic improvements made necessary because of the cumulative impacts of this and future development in the area.
Their participation will be confirmed prior to final project approval. Options for district formation are under review by Counsel. (8/7/06)
The applicant shall prepare a Transportation System Management Plan which provides for three (3) vanpool parking spaces, provisions for employee carpooling, use of public transportation facilities (including buses), etc. This plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Planning Director.
Submittal of the plan and confirmation and signage for the vanpool spaces will be confirmed prior to final project approval. (8/7/06)
One year after opening of the Fishing Village complex, the applicant shall conduct a study of its employees to determine the need and feasibility of establishing a child day care center in the complex for the employees. This report shall be presented to the Planning Commission for review and action after completion of the study. The Planning Commission may require installation of a child day center if the study determines there is a need for such a service.
This will be arranged at the time of the final project approval. (8/7/06)
During the construction phase of the project and to the extent allowed by law, the applicant shall pay prevailing wages at a level which would be required if the proposed project was a Public Works project.
Ongoing coordination with applicant and union to confirm. (1/11/06)
Documentation has been submitted confirming that all project contractors and subcontractors are or will be paid prevailing wages. (8/7/06)