Commitment: Responsible, effective and collaborative government.
Goal(s): Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.
On February 4, 2003, the Board adopted Resolution No. 65808, establishing an Audit Committee consisting of two members of the Board of Supervisors and the County Manager and his or her designee. The primary purpose of the Audit Committee is to oversee the audit of the County’s financial statements. No appointments have yet been made to this committee.
On October 4, 2005, the Board of Supervisors established the Performance Audit/Management Review Subcommittee for the purpose of evaluating recommendations of, and overseeing the implementation of, performance audits of County departments and functions. The undersigned are the current appointed members of this committee.
The initial meeting of the Performance Audit/Management Review Subcommittee was held on December 19, 2005 to review the proposed framework for conducting management reviews. At this meeting, it was proposed that reviews would be performed by a team of County staff led by the County Manager’s Office, with assistance from Management Partners, the consulting firm engaged by the County to conduct the organizational review. Team members included staff from the County Manager’s Office, Human Resources, Internal Audit/Controller’s Office, and Information Services. The Housing Department was selected as the first department to be reviewed.
The review of the Housing Department began in June 2006 and is near completion. Preliminary findings and recommendations will be presented to the Subcommittee in January. A plan to conduct future management reviews will also be presented to the Subcommittee early next year, with the goal of reviewing each County department every five years. Management Partners will assist in preparing the plan, and the County will issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select a consulting firm. The Subcommittee will determine the role of outside consultants in future reviews. Depending on the purpose and nature of the review, outside consultants may take the lead in some reviews and play a contributory role in others.
Another meeting of the Performance Audit/Management Review Subcommittee was held on November 7, 2006. At this meeting, the County Manager and Controller provided an overview and updates of audits and reviews in progress, and there was discussion concerning the appropriate role of the committee. At the conclusion of this discussion, consensus was reached that integration of the functions of the Audit Subcommittee and the Performance Audit/Management Review Committees was appropriate. We therefore recommend that the functions of these two committees be consolidated, that the undersigned be designated as the members of the committee, and that the committee be staffed by the County Manager and the Controller, or their respective designees.