These appointments contribute to the County’s Shared Vision statements:
1) Our diverse population works well together to build strong communities, effective government and a prosperous economy;
2) Civic engagement -- including voting, public service, charitable giving, volunteerism, and participation in public discussions of important issues -- is uniformly high among the diverse population of San Mateo County.
The Employee’s Retirement Board is comprised of nine members. The first member is the County Treasurer, 2nd and 3rd members are members of the Retirement Association; 4th, 5th, 6th, and 9th members must be qualified electors not connected with County Government, except one may be a Supervisor; 7th member is a safety member, 8th member is a retired member.
It is recommended that Scott M. Lee be appointed to the vacant position as a qualified elector not connected with County Government. Mr. Lee is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Senior Vice President at Franklin Templeton Investments. He has been a citizen of San Mateo County for 34 years and has over 12 years experience in the financial services industry.