The County, in its provision of health and human services, plays an important role in community schools. It supports the efforts through the school-based family resource centers as well as by locating and contracting for services with neighborhood community-based organizations to address unique health, mental health, and social service needs.
As a result of the evolution of the Community School movement in San Mateo County and the fact that there are insufficient County resources to address all the needs in all the communities, staff is recommending a County policy to state the County’s commitment to the goals of Community Schools and to define the terms of its financial/resource allocation.
The proposed policy on Community Schools states that the County of San Mateo will partner with local school districts and municipalities in our joint commitment to the development of healthy, successful children and families and vibrant communities. With this policy the County endorses the “Community Schools” as a model which strengthens the bonds between families and children with school and community and establishes an infrastructure of support to work together to promote student success. Further, the policy states that the County believes that all children are to be given the opportunity for success, and its resources are to be distributed equitably with an emphasis on underserved communities.
The proposed policy also directs the County, to the extent possible, to integrate its health, mental health, and social services which support children and families on those school campuses in which a city, County, and school district partnership exists. In all other communities, the County will provide its mandated health, mental health, and social services in the most integrated way possible.
The policy continues by stating that in those communities in which County resources are provided, those resources will be linked to academic achievement targets and proven strategies and that it will be the responsibility of the Assistant County Manager to work with the directors of the Health Department and the Human Services Agency to develop the criteria and process by which additional County resources will be allocated.